Guess the movie poster!

A James Bond flick?

Something with Steven Seagal?

Looks like someone is firing a rifle on a ship. Jaws? Moby Dick?

Hints again!

Hong Kong, stylished action, cop and hitman.

A Wai Keung Lau movie?


A J. W. movie…

Hong Kong, stylished action, cop and hitman.

Hong Kong = Bleach has no chance

A Better Tomorrow?

Its Woo, the shot is actually in the movie too, hitman on a boat, preparing to assinate someone with his sniperrifle…

Golgo 13??

The Killer had a sniper sequence I believe(or was it A Better Tomorow saw them both in a period of 2 days).

We have a winner! Its from the killer :slight_smile:


Oh, how simple! Why didn’t you just take a piece of the black area?

Btw, wasn’t it Jelle’s turn? Since he guessed…

Dead Man?


The Third Man?

Doris does Dallas?

The Elephant Man?

Max, be reasonable, it isn’t possible to guess looking at this small a piece. Anyway, it’s from Walk the Line (<LINK_TEXT text=“ … twork2.jpg”></LINK_TEXT>), there’s no question about it. So I’ll post the next one:

Just find a not-so familiar poster and remove the names. It shouldn’t be too obvious, but there should be hints, of course. These pieces of posters suck.

Bridge on the river Kwai?