Ahaha. This one is a great piece of art. I didn’t understand a single thing. I didn’t get the point : what does expect this guy as an answer ? Hum QT commenting about his so-called new and original genre name “Popular Fiction” ? So funny.
Post more, Seb ! (Sorry in advance to make fun of those poor and stupid fans expecting to reach QT ! ahah)
Don’t apologise Lili! If these people come across this, then they need to know what arsehats they really are. It’s like doing them a favour.
We have a similar thing at the pegg/frost/wright forum, but it’s for admins and mods only. I wish it was public, but everyone’s so nice, I’d hate to hurt anyone’s feelings there. Cos, it’s a more selective audience and they sort of judge the guys by the way the admins act, since we have contact with the guys themselves. A thin line to walk.
We gave you music for you films in Cannes film festival 2007- passed our CD in your hands(music of young talented girl-russian saxophonist, composer) You even did not send a reply as normal people do.
You are MERDE,Mr Plagiator, and not Artist .
We came to Cannes espesially to meet you, merde, spent many money and time, people from poor Russia.
Let Got punish you, merde, for heartlessness,lend send evil to you and your family, your relatives.
Dont go to Russia any more-or you will have problems.
We gave you music for you films in Cannes film festival 2007- passed our CD in your hands(music of young talented girl-russian saxophonist, composer) You even did not send a reply as normal people do.
You are MERDE,Mr Plagiator, and not Artist .
We came to Cannes espesially to meet you, merde, spent many money and time, people from poor Russia.
Let Got punish you, merde, for heartlessness,lend send evil to you and your family, your relatives.
Dont go to Russia any more-or you will have problems.
FUCK YOU, fucking MERDE![/quote]
couldn’t resist but post this
Hahahah. That was probably the member "Piotr" ;D
These are his posts:
I live in Russia, correctly: Poland. Why Germans, they are just kids if U only compare their nasi to russians. lol. This is a big mistake not think about it.
Correct. Russians killed 18 000 000 their own citizens, including countries around Soviet Union between 1928-1953. Read e.g. Aleksander Solzenicyn “Archipelag GULag”. And it steel happens. But this aspect of history is too young. In Poland, Litua, Ukraina, people have a problem how to live with that. German Nazis its a fairy-taile, but maybe next Q.Tarantino’ film will be about kicking russian asses.
I kid, I kid ;D
But it’s funny how they expected a favour from QT, then turned on him when things didn’t go to plan. Speaks in spades of the human condition. What does “merde” mean, anyway? I doubt it means angel ;D
I don’t know if russian people are the same in everyday life, but they appear so crazy to me on the internet haha. I remember reading a story where this guy got mad at one of his friend and told how he “kicked him on the head with a fist”, that was one of the funniest text I ever read! I read it a dozen times and it never got old.
And even on this thread, a lot of the “funny emails you get” are from russia. Man I love those guys!
since I discover that I have fetish for large chin I feel it necessary to inform you of beautiful paint toenails and delicious bunion-free heels and toes I have. Is it possible for us hook up? I’ll bring the Vodka.
[quote=“asshole from el paso”]
Dear Quentin Tarantino,
since I discover that I have fetish for large chin I feel it necessary to inform you of beautiful paint toenails and delicious bunion-free heels and toes I have. Is it possible for us hook up? I’ll bring the Vodka.
Monika Strevenski
"from russia with love"
;D “PS: You are hairy… Like ANIMAALL! Make love to me, monkey man!”