Funniest Ass Motherfucking Movie Scenes of All Fucking Time

-All Pink Panther Movies


-Clouseau falling of stairs after trying gym. + the whole conversation with possibel suspects

-Clouseau talking with the suspect in Pink Panther 2 “Daydreamer” scene was hilarious.


The Pentagon Wars - Product develpment.

Toy Story 2 - The old woody episode.

The General - Canon

My Lucky Stars - When the lady goes to bed.

Office Space - Two chicks at once.

cheech and chong: when cheech sniffes the fake cocaine, when chong drinks the gas out of the car,…

friday: when smokey cant find a place to take a shit and finally he ends in his own garden (his momma wont let him in) and ezal passes.

Ezal: Smokey, you know I ain’t the smartest man in the world, but, from back here it look like you’re takin a shit.

Smokey: Ezal don’t you tell no one.

Ezal: Oh all right…


Ezal: Hey everybody Smokey is taking a shit.

Smokey: Ezel.

Ezal: I won’t tell anyone else.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


first time i saw dude where is my car and they were walking around seraching for their car, and the old lady in her car hits one of them on purpose…lol fucking stoners

or…dawn of the dead: BURT REYNOLDS

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D MUAHAHAHHA…that was the best scene ever i guess

the cut in lost in translation, after the singer takes a seat next to bob and she says something like “How are you?”



Any scene in any of the naked gun movies hehe

Oh and the whole of Airplane!

“Is he sleeping?.. ohh well I guess he wont want any CHOCOLATE!” and the entire scene follwing with Scotty in Ausin Powers Goldmember, that had me crying on 1st veiwing!

“What’s in this shit?”

“Mostly mawiwowi, but it’s got some labradore in it”

“Was labradore?”

“Dog shit”

“You Mean were smoking dog shit man?”

“what to I care man, I gotta growth on my pecker” - Elvis

Shaun of the Dead- when that dude gets torn apart by the zombies…that scene was somewhere between horrifingly freaky and hilariously funny

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I Love this site!

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Thats what i need right now!.. yeah

<LINK_TEXT text=“ … peetie.mp3”></LINK_TEXT>

You shouldn’t have laughed

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1 Great Cameo

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Reservoir Dogs- the Madonna speech, the ear-hacking scene (that scene makes me laugh every time), Joe giving the robbers their color-coded names.

True Romance- Clarence’s father insulting Coccotti.

Pulp Fiction- ‘Oh man I shot Marvin in the face’, and the scenes following that at Jimmie’s.

Fight Club- the narrator beating himself up in his boss’ office (I call him the ‘narrator’ because they never tell you his name)

Dawn of the Dead- shooting the celebrity look-a-like zombies (I think they called it ‘Hollywood Squares’ in one of the deleted scenes)

Shaun of the Dead- use of old vinyl records as weapons, Shaun’s plans to save himself, his best friend, his mom, and his ex; and the guy who’s intestines were ripped out

Anger Management- fighting with the Buddhist monks

American Pie 2- 'I kind of super-glued myself to… uh… myself.'

Scream- the rules of surviving a horror movie


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lol, Jay and Silent Bob are bloody hialrious, especially in Dogma and jay and silent Bob strike back ;D

…that monkey world scene in ‘strikes back’ still cracks me up everytime I see it 'It will not be us who spank the monkey…but the monkey who will spank us!"

Pulp Fiction:

“Is that the one with all the shit in her face?”

“No, that’s my wife”

* The piano dropping on the old lady’s dogs in A Fish Called Wanda.

  • The bearded ladies at the stoning in Monty Python’s Life of Brian.

  • “Toby…Toby…Toby Wong…Toby Chong…fucking Charlie Chang” always cracks me up too.

The scene in Four Rooms where Tim Roth babysits Antonio Banderas’ kids and the bed catches on fire is one of the funniest scenes ever.

haha no doubt man, total chaos is still one of the funniest things you can do in a film, when everything just goes wrong all at once

the burial scene in I think it was Life is Elsewhere by Kundera, where the hat blows off the head.

Dumb and Dumber -

“I thought the Rocky Mountains would be rockier than this…”

"Yeah, that John Denver’s full of shit man…“

Pulp Fiction -

Mia and Vincent’s dance sequence

"Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face…”

"You cracked a rib giving me oral pleasure?"

Austin Powers -

“Guess Mini-me wont get any CHOCOLATE"

When Danny Divito is Mini-me " HEY ASSHOLES, I’M MINI ME!”[mahcine gun noise]

“Well, I want a toilet made of soild gold but that’s not in the cards now is it?”

Election - When he is confronted by everyone at the end.

The Godfather

Clemenza: “All right, you just shot them both. Now what do you do?”

Michael: "Sit down, finish my dinner."

Michael is trying to get in touch with Luca Brasi, hes calling him over and over

Sonny gets a package, he opens it and it reveals 2 dead fish

Clemenza: "It’s a Sicilian message, it means Luca Brasi is sleeping with the fishes"

cut to Michael hanging up the phone

haha, that was hilarious

All of “Love And Death”. Its the funniest movie EVER.

In “Sleeper” when Woody Allens space suit inflates.

In “Coffee and Cigarettes”, the scene with Bill Murray and RZA & GZA.

Most of the scenes in “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou”.

In both “Casino” and “Goodfellas”, whenever Joe Pesci either kills someone or beats the shit out of them.

Most of “Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas”.