French references in Pulp

Whats up with all the French references in Pulp? Example, Ringo calls the waitress garcon and she say “it means boy” or in the extra dvd scenes Vincents favorite way to say Thank you is merci vocu (I dont know how to fucking spell it) how aboutThe French bitch Fabian. The Chuck Berry song You never can tell, has lots of French references. The Jerry lewis look alike. The hamburger talk between Jules and Vincent “Le big Mac”. One of the bitches in Fox Force Five is a French. Some scenes like the Taxi cab ride are very French noir movie looking. And Marcellus, isnt that niggas name French? This one may be kinda stupid but the “french” fry talk between Jules and Vincent. And the most obvious one Lance name rymes with France…hahahahaaha there are more I cant remember.

I just remembered the white car Butch drives…I think its a french renault. Butch says something to the cab driver in french as he pays her (well I think its french I dont fuckin know)

[quote] merci vocu (I dont know how to fucking spell it) [/quote]

merci beaucoup =)

[quote] The Jerry lewis look alike. .[/quote] he French?

QT wrote pulp fiction while being in amsterdam…and he traveled to some other european countries…hence the dialogue about european shizzle…also the deleted scene about the coffeeshop in amsterdam etc…

he wrote it in because he was in europe at the time and he copied some camera style from french movies so with the dialogue giving it that extra european feel…

[quote] I just remembered the white car Butch drives…I think its a french renault. Butch says something to the cab driver in french as he pays her (well I think its french I dont fuckin know)[/quote]

Not to forget his French girlfriend Fabian.

But what bothers me is the fact that Vince says “You know what they do on frenchfries in Holland instead of ketchup…mayonnaise” Like Holland invented the fucking frenchries with mayonnaise…fuck this…frenchfries ain’t even french they’re from belgium,and it were the belgians who put mayonnaise on there BELGIANfries…

sorry bout that…had to let this all out…it’s all true you know… :-[


Not to forget his French girlfriend Fabian.

But what bothers me is the fact that Vince says “You know what they do on frenchfries in Holland instead of ketchup…mayonnaise” Like Holland invented the fucking frenchries with mayonnaise…fuck this…frenchfries ain’t even french they’re from belgium,and it were the belgians who put mayonnaise on there BELGIANfries…

sorry bout that…had to let this all out…it’s all true you know… :-[[/quote]
Exactly! And I fucking love mayonnaise ;D

[quote] I just remembered the white car Butch drives…I think its a french renault.[/quote]
It’s a Honda.

Again, what does the Jerry Lewis look-alike have to do with the French references?

The French love Jerry Lewis.

No wonder we hate the French.


Not to forget his French girlfriend Fabian.


OMG, is QT cheating on me :'(


Not to forget his French girlfriend Fabian.

But what bothers me is the fact that Vince says “You know what they do on frenchfries in Holland instead of ketchup…mayonnaise” Like Holland invented the fucking frenchries with mayonnaise…fuck this…frenchfries ain’t even french they’re from belgium,and it were the belgians who put mayonnaise on there BELGIANfries…

sorry bout that…had to let this all out…it’s all true you know… :-[[/quote]
yeah im belgian and thats all truth but holland just sounds way cooler

but seriously, it was only after pulp i knew ppl in the usa didnt put mayonaise on their fries, thought it was a normal thing

but fuck it just recognise that we invented the motherfuckas!