For The People Who Saw The Movie

is it worth sitting through the credits? is it a scene or just words? please don’t say what happens…thank you…

You need to see it once. It’s a cool 2 second clip. But the credits are super freakin long so be prepared. You’ll get a laugh.

Well, that depends on your opinoin on whats ‘worth it’. I like to soak up every little detail of this movie so staying an extra 10 or 15 minutes for the credits to see what came after it was no big deal for me. But some of my friends got a little angry, and i guess they were expecting something more. A few people who stayed were like “thats it?” so I guess for the passive viewer, it wasn’t worth it.

[quote]You need to see it once.  It’s a cool 2 second clip.  But the credits are super freakin long so be prepared.  You’ll get a laugh.[/quote]

DAMN!! Those f*cks at the theather where i went turned off the projector before i could see that "thing!  >:(

I’ll sue them!lol

Eh, I got a good chuckle from it. Depends if you really like the movie. But the credits were really long.

motherfuckers shut off the projector. ARGHGHGHGHGHGGHGH

It’s really not a big deal, but I’m glad I stayed. ;D