Favorite detail in Vol 2

I liked the detail that when Elle is about to inject The Bride while she’s still in a coma and then Bill phone’s her. When she’s talkin to him you can see Bill(kind of) and I noticed that the sword was a Hattori Hanzon sword, did anyone else notice this?

Wrong topic, that’s in Vol. 1 :slight_smile:

these are all great moments… .theres just so much in that film that works

some things i didnt see brought up that i like were the whole “Pussy Wagon” Bit (when she finds the car from just looking at the keys)

And Pai Mei was fukin hilarious, he was every stereotypical kung fu master from movies.

I loved the music that played each time beatrix found another member of the vipers.

and pretty much everything u guys brought up was great to.

[quote=“Ezekiel 25:17”]
I liked the detail that when Elle is about to inject The Bride while she’s still in a coma and then Bill phone’s her. When she’s talkin to him you can see Bill(kind of) and I noticed that the sword was a Hattori Hanzon sword, did anyone else notice this?

That was a little too obvious.

every single frame in volume 2 every line of dialogue every piece of music used same goes for volume 1 (except the wire scene where she flys across the dancefloor and up to the balcony and then has difficulty climbing over the 4ft.railing) it makes me wanna spit that it was so ignored at the academy awards they never get it right (they all started out with bad directions) my favorite movie (what a masterpiece)

just madsen’s laughing…I love it…little smile, twinkle in his eyes…fucking awesome…

QT really gets the best out of madsen

just madsen’s laughing…I love it…little smile, twinkle in his eyes…fucking awesome…

QT really gets the best out of madsen

Haha, I think someone here has a crush :-*

Ify, the “pancho” you’re talking about. I think it’s just some sort of a scarf (or something, I don’t know a better word) she’s wrapped around herself.