Ennio Morricone documentary

Found an Ennio Morricone documentary on youtube, pretty cool one too. Enjoy!

Part 1:

<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … ed&search=”>Ennio Morricone - BBC Documentary (1995) - Part 1 - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

Part 2:

<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … ed&search=”>Ennio Morricone - BBC Documentary (1995) - Part 2 - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

Part 3:

<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … ed&search=”>Ennio Morricone - BBC Documentary (1995) - Part 3 - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

Part 4:

<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … ed&search=”>Ennio Morricone - BBC Documentary (1995) - Part 4 - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

On another hand, does anybody know the song played at 5:45 in part 1? The one with Once Upon A Time In The West. I tried playing previews of the soundtrack but couldn’t find anything that resembled it.

Anyways, feel free to use this thread to discuss Morricone in general too.

great documentary

5.45 you say… hm… previews wont help if its some part of a longer piece of music

I found out what it was. Morricone should do IG’s score if QT wants to try something else than his standard way of making the soundtrack. That’s my opinion at least.