Dreaming about Grindhouse

I did this with Clueless once. I was dreaming about it and then when I woke up, my brother was watching it on television…


the only qt related dream i had…was where i was in the sin city world and just minding my own business, and Miho kept following me everywhere and kept sneaking up on me with her katanna…and i felt like i was going to die the whole dream. It wasn’t fun…


I had a dream a few weeks ago about Death Proof. I was walking home from school in the middle of the road for some reason. Nobody is around. Then a black car with skull and cross bones begins to chase me. He doesn’t run me over after a few minutes of running. He then passes me and says…“The name’s Plissken.” And then he drives off. Pretty weird.

That’s a really cool dream!

In my grindhouse dream I had yesterday, I was cruising in THE car and listening to Rolling Stones :stuck_out_tongue:

Last night was the SECOND time I’ve had a dream about Grindhouse.

This time I was in the theatre with a few of my friends along with a JAM PACKED audience. Planet Terror was on and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. But the weird thing about it was that little mishaps were happening in the theatre at the same time(wish I could remember what they all were). Then it seemed like someone different from my past would come in one at a time and sit in the seat to my left. We would talk about something that they would leave. Then some girl(still can’t put my finger on it) that I had met once upon a time came in, sat down beside me, we chatted for a bit, and then we just started making out.

…I think Death Proof was just about to start when I woke up…

Now THATS a Good Grindhouse dream! :slight_smile:

Did you wake up all wet an’ shit?

Thats probably like an Omen man, ???

I’m Fucking Sick of Waiting >:(


Did you wake up all wet an’ shit?

Not this time.

Weird man! I had a dream last night to about GrindHouse. It did not make much sense but somehow I knew it was about Grindhouse. But I was actually in the movie! I can’t remember much about it now. I can remember that I woke up (in my dream) laying under a pile of bodies and two people were talking about how to get rid of all of us. They were thinking of burning us but suddenly the police showed up and shooting broke out and I made a run for it through the woods. I ended up in a small cabin where there was a magazine with a QT interview which I took the time to read. Thats all I can remember. Strange.

Had another Grind House dream. This one seemed so real though. Death Proof was first and I watched the whole thing on TV…

go figure

Welp, had my first dream about Grindhouse last night.

All I could remember was that I was pissed about not getting to go to a midnight premier and had to settle for some matinee showing. The crowd sucked. Nothing but little kids and dumb parents all around.

Then the show starts. We hit the fake trailers first. The trailers seemed alright (No “Machete” or anything recognizable yet) but they just keep coming and coming! Woke up before I made it to “Planet Terror” or “Death Proof”.

Something tells me some audiences are gonna be just as thrown off when they see the trailers in real life.

Am I the only one that still has Grindhouse dreams!!? It’s starting to drive me crazy now. Each one seems more real each time…

No, I had one similar to Laydback’s dream, except the fake trailers were done by Eli Roth. Shit after shit. After that Planet terror came on but all I remember is that people were walking out.

Backs away from the thread very quietly


I had another one last night. Except QT’s fake trailer wasn’t Cowgirls in Sweden, it was an action film which was very John Woo like. But I don’t remember much…

I had a dream about Marley Shelton last night. Don’t remember much but I woke up with a boner. That is all.

Last night I dreamt that I was hanging at Güero’s with all the Grindhouse chick (DP and PT) plus! Melanie, Ordell, Mia, Jackie, Sheronda, Louis, Vincent, Jules, Mr. Pink, the Q-Man, Eli Roth and Robert Rodriguez. I ended up getting a blowjob from MEW, I think… we went into the bathroom and then it was fade out :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a dream during my nap today where I was cruising with MEW and QT in the death proof car and some other people were in the Lil’ Pussy Wagon, They smoked pot and drank beer and ended up crashing, so MEW, QT and I played soccer with their decapitated heads while listening to some rockabilly music. It felt alittle Faster Pussycat-ish :stuck_out_tongue: except with color and the coolest director and hottest chick on earth in it.

I am obssesed with Mary Winstead.