I woud like to know your thoughts on a matter I believe to be true. I skip his scenes and go straight to the dead niggers in the garage scene
[quote]I woud like to know your thoughts on a matter I believe to be true. I skip his scenes and go straight to the dead niggers in the garage scene[/quote]
why are you doing that???
Is that an answer to the question?
[quote]Is that an answer to the question? [/quote]
Is that a polite way to talk to people that you don’t know?
Is this you trying to be funny?
I think Bruce Willis did an excellent job in Pulp Fiction, especially when he goes berserk after finding out that Fabienne left the watch at the apartment. That cracks me up everytime. ;D But unfortunately for him, he appears in those scenes which drag the most in the whole movie (the cab scene, the apartment scene etc.)
[quote]Is that an answer to the question? [/quote]
if you really want an answer , you should maybe try to explain first…
Explain what? Was there something in my question that was in a totally different language?
I was asking you why you are skipping those Bruce Willis scenes? whats so whard to understand about that question?
Somebody’s lacking those communication skills!
I think Willis’ performance was one of the best in the movie, and the middle section did drag a little but it was all worth it just to see Marsellus being raped by 2 hillbillies and having one of them get their johnson shot off.
Well I wanted other people’s opinions first before I gave mine. And I will remain silent until a few people offer their opinion on Bruce Willis’ role in the movie.
In this 10 posted reply, only one and a half people took the liberty of answering my question. Nice
yeah. it’s a major part of the film, how could you skip that?
Because Bruce Willis lacks any sort of charisma to keep me entertained in his story. QT has not got much acting skills in the movie but his part keeps me entertained because he oozes charisma
[quote]Well I wanted other people’s opinions first before I gave mine. And I will remain silent until a few people offer their opinion on Bruce Willis’ role in the movie.
In this 10 posted reply, only one and a half people took the liberty of answering my question. Nice
One and a half? Which half of a person answered your question? Was it Scar? Or maybe IL_Bu?
maybe referring to some hobbits hanging out here occasionally. those are halflings
I don’t think anything ‘ruins’ Pulp Fiction ans certainly not Bruce Willis. The cab scene and the scene where Butch and Fabienne were in bed weren’t as good a scenes as the rest of the scenes in the film, but that was part of the build up to the ‘Butch losing it scene’ and the rape scene. With a slow pace like that and the story going how it did, it really is a shock to see Marcellus being raped and how after being all ‘lovey-dovey’ Butch shouts his ass off at Fabienne.
To put it simply, he answer to your question is NO
I’ll admit those scenes were good but the fact is, you invest so much time in Travolta, Jackson and Thurmam in the first hour and it is kinda like “When we getting back to them”
[quote]I’ll admit those scenes were good but the fact is, you invest so much time in Travolta, Jackson and Thurmam in the first hour and it is kinda like “When we getting back to them”[/quote]
Yes exactly. It makes you appreciate those scenes even more. Tarantino likes to fuck with our minds!!!
The only thing I didn’t like a whole lot about the movie was that the third act almost turns the movie into a straight comedy, and it lacks the tension that was in the first 2 stories. The great ending makes up for it though.
Bruce Willis could of ruined it, but he didn’t
QT took a big risk by casting him (what good movies did Bruce star in before pulp? Die Hard? The Last Boyscout? nnnnnaaaaah)
annyways, the role of Butch was essential in the movie, Roger Avery did an allright job and so did Bruce Willis, he didnt ruin the movie, he just doesn’t really fit in the ‘coolness’ of the movie, wich actualy gives an allright anti-clichè touch to it, so no, he did not ruin Pulp Fiction