i cant find this movie at video stores but if i hear from some ppl who have seen it and they liked it then i’ll just order it off the internet…so has anyone ever seen it?
That movie is a complete and utter failure. It’s terrible. Don’t get it.
ok, i still want to see it though unless tarantino himself even sucks in this or just has a small part in the movie
Hes in basically the whole movie. But I didn’t find him too convincing. Hes good for the first 10 minutes then he starts acting almost differently and it gets rather boring and stupid.
welp, then i have to see this movie since he plays in the whole movie, i for one love his acting and i prolly would like this movie in other words
<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.tarantino.info/movie/destiny … eradio.htm”>http://www.tarantino.info/movie/destinyturnsontheradio.htm</LINK_TEXT>
there’s also a link where you can just buy it!
One of the worst movies Ive ever seen.
thats surprising as hell…tarantino plays in most the movie and the movie sucks, no comedy or anything?
Hello folks, I’m new here! Great place!
I saw this one and wasn’t too impressed, but maybe I have to see it one more time…
This movie was pretty stupid, and Tarantino wasn’t in it for very much of the movie. He has like what, 10 lines? Of course, you do get to see him shirtless, which is a definate plus.
I think
It is nothing special, in fact it is far from special. The music that plays near the beginning is great and Tarantino is really cool in this movie (though not terrific). Although he has the title role, he hardly appears in the movie. His appearances reminded me of those of Tyler Durden’s during the earlier stages in Fight Club, though they are not of the same callibre.
I watched this film knowing it was going to be shit and thus I wasn’t too dissapointed. But I do know many of you will hate this film.
what a boring film actually. I only watched half of it. its really not worth watching at all.
who directed it? coz i remember reading that the script was a big hit for years down video archives which is why QT was excited to do it so its a shame they couldnt pull it off. cant remember if i liked the story even, though i did watch it all the way through i think so cant be THAT bad.
who directed it? coz i remember reading that the script was a big hit for years down video archives which is why QT was excited to do it so its a shame they couldnt pull it off. cant remember if i liked the story even, though i did watch it all the way through i think so cant be THAT bad.
directed by Jack Baran
Writers-Robert Ramsey (written by) &
Matthew Stone (written by)
never seen this movie but i have seen the clip where he is talking about top gun and thought it was pretty funny.
the QT ‘top gun’ thing - where hes talking about the gay undertones ? - is from ‘sleep with me’, not ‘destiny’, QT just kinda mumbles a lot in destiny he’s this mystical kind of figure, thats one of the disappointing things about the movie, he isnt playing himself like he usually does! the only time ive seen QT properly act was as seth in dusk til dawn, which was brilliant
the QT ‘top gun’ thing - where hes talking about the gay undertones ? - is from ‘sleep with me’, not ‘destiny’, QT just kinda mumbles a lot in destiny he’s this mystical kind of figure, thats one of the disappointing things about the movie, he isnt playing himself like he usually does! the only time ive seen QT properly act was as seth in dusk til dawn, which was brilliant
Oo thats from a differant film but that top gun convo. is classic.
I just picked this up on VHS. I’ll watch it tonight as the VCR is in my bedroom, and I can’t be arsed to go in there until bedtime.
If I think it’s alright, I’ll order it on DVD. But the only DVD I’ve found to order is a region 4 import and it’s $22.99. So, QT better at least look super hot in it or something. Otherwise, no way.
OMG! What a shite movie. I’m buying it on DVD anyway though. QT’s 1995 naked chest is so worth it. What perfect chest hair.
Plus QT’s bare feet are in it…
Am I the only person here that has this movie?
Saw about an hour of this then couldn’t bare it anymore its really really bad.
Destiny turns on the Radio - I Turn off the TV! (Oh My I’m fire today!)