Brand New At This

I am having trouble starting with my ideas. I have many original ideas but am somewhat confused on how to actually start about writing my screenplay. Should I write it out in story form first, or should I just use the format.

And do I need to buy formatting or can I just write it manually?

I am very anxious to get started but feel somewhat ambiguous and can’t seem to get going yet.

Thanks in advance for any help you may push my way.

-Aladdin Sarsippius Suleminagic Jackson III

The truth is that there are really no rules in the beggining. Just do whatever you want.

[quote=“QT Fan”]
The truth is that there are really no rules in the beggining. Just do whatever you want.

Thanks dude, that helps.

Well it can be done in many ways. If you have everything thought out, like characters,story, and plot…then just begin writing. The way I do it, I just outline the plot so I won’t get lost…

Thanks dude, that helps.

Which ever one your better at writing. If you can write better in screenplay format, then do that.

Which ever one your better at writing. If you can write better in screenplay format, then do that.

Does getting the formatted downloads make it easier, or should I save my cabbage?

[quote=“Snake Charmer”]
Well it can be done in many ways. If you have everything thought out, like characters,story, and plot…then just begin writing. The way I do it, I just outline the plot so I won’t get lost…

Thanks dude, every little bit helps.

i think you should do whatever you want…

you can write in any format you want…

if you don’t like something stop and try something else or try it later

you can do whatever you want

let yourself free and start writing

everything will come as you keep writing

one advise don’t feel bad about yourself when it ends and you don’t like it

keep trying! :wink:

you must never get disapointed!!!

All you have to do is read screenplays. Then I suggest using a program on the computer like Sophacles or Final Draft. :cough: kazaa :cough:. :wink: Maybe read a book on the subject, Syd Field or Lew Hunter. I get most of my ideas when I’m doing something assinine. Like labeling the products we sell where I work. M. Night says he stares at the wall. You’ll figure it out.


Otherwise your script it is going to be a mess, that just runs in circles.


Otherwise your script it is going to be a mess, that just runs in circles.

lol, the script me and my friend are writing was made up as we went along pretty much. We had a basic idea of what we wanted, but at this point its definitly completely different from when we started.

i think you should do whatever you want…

you can write in any format you want…

if you don’t like something stop and try something else or try it later

you can do whatever you want

let yourself free and start writing

everything will come as you keep writing

one advise don’t feel bad about yourself when it ends and you don’t like it

keep trying! :wink:

you must never get disapointed!!

Thanks Claudia, that helps. I thought there has to be a specific format for them to be read? I read where some people won’t read your “treatment” if it isn’t formatted correctly; or is that just “Hollywood” BS?

Thanks again Claudia, it’s like my breathing got much more relaxed after I read your response, thanks.

-Aladdin Sarsippius Suleminagic Jackson III

All you have to do is read screenplays. Then I suggest using a program on the computer like Sophacles or Final Draft. :cough: kazaa :cough:. :wink: Maybe read a book on the subject, Syd Field or Lew Hunter. I get most of my ideas when I’m doing something assinine. Like labeling the products we sell where I work. M. Night says he stares at the wall. You’ll figure it out.

I have read “Screenwriting 101” and “Screenwriting For Dummies (add joke here).” Neil D. Hicks, a professor from U.C.L.A. wrote Screenwriting 101.

I have been having a motivational problem lately, plus I attend college full-time as well as work part-time–I know, I know, so does everyone, but I am not “everyone.” I know have the drive to start.

I just saw a film called “Quills,” boy do I recommend that film! From a writer’s point of view, that film is awesome! The couldn’t stop the Marquis de Sade from writing his stuff!!! I also saw “Adaptation.” That was very trippy.

Thanks everyone, all this is helping!

-Aladdin Sarsippius Suleminagic Jackson III


I have been having a motivational problem lately, plus I attend college full-time as well as work part-time–I know, I know, so does everyone, but I am not "everyone." I know have the drive to start.

[/quote] I have a pretty lousy work ethic, then again I work at a wal-mart… ::slight_smile: anywho, what’s your screenplay about?

[quote=“Snake Charmer”]
I have a pretty lousy work ethic, then again I work at a wal-mart… ::slight_smile: anywho, what’s your screenplay about?

I have one where participants of a “reality show” arrive on an island just to find out there is already someone there. That “somebody” does not like people intruding in his world and he exacts the proper punishments. He then travels back to the states to exact revenge on his former lieutenant in Vietnam for the deaths’ of his two buddies, and the attempt on his life.

I know, that’s “rough,” but I didn’t divulge a lot of what it is about.

I have about seven more ideas rattling around in my head and am working on two of them as well as the aforementioned.

No that’s not Hollywood BS.

If your script isn’t formatted properly, it won’t even be looked at.

No that’s not Hollywood BS.

If your script isn’t formatted properly, it won’t even be looked at.

That’s what I read. If the beginning is not formatted correctly they will toss them in the "cr@pper."

Deliveryman, if you get this message first, can you read my opening scene in "Is this remotely close?"

I need an expert’s opinion, not that I am calling the other’s critique “bush,” I am just new in here and don’t really know who is most knowledgable.

Please Deliveryman, rip it to shreds! I eat this stuff up like a sponge! And any critique you give me I will indeed listen–that is if you are an “expert” at this. Have you sold any yet? Would I know any of them? I love film, and I love dialogue! You ever see a film called “Tape”? The whole thing being filmed in that one motel room was awesome!ÂÂ

I am so sick of special effects taking over the movie industry! If it is done correctly, I love special effects! But when it’s “Starship Troopers” special effects, and I am not blasting the writing, I rather liked the writing actually. But it is how the creatures looked. It was too unbelievable for me.

I will always love "Alien." That film scared the bejeezes outta me! I was ten years old and my mother didn’t even want to take me to see it, but I badgered her into it–boy am I glad I did!!! When we got home that night, she made me go into the house first, and it was freaking pitch black outside! We entered through the back door, my room was on the opposite side of the house. I got to my room in three seconds flat, flipping on five lights in the process!!! I then had nightmares for two weeks after that! I had two dogs sleeping with me on my bed and yet I still hid under my covers sweating my @ss off!? I remember thinking that if I looked past the sheets, I would be staring directly at the glutinous-toothed Xenophobe!

I love scary films, I just haven’t seen one in a real long time! Although, I did like the ending of “Saw,” didn’t see that coming–I love that!!!

Sorry, I’m rambling. I should probably save some of this for the screenplays huh?

-Aladdin Sarsippius Suleminagic Jackson III

just do what you want, even if someone says not original stick to your ways and rules cos’ at the end of the day its your own script no theres!

You tell 'em BMF !!!

My english teacher use to tell me that the secret to writing is ‘to write’. Gee, thanks. I use to think. But on many levels she was right. Sometimes, i just sit and let it flow. Other times, it’s a struggle, page by page. (Kinda like a dump.) But if you’re not writing, it’s not getting done.

The best way to start, in my opinion is with an outline. That way my thoughts are clear where I’m going with the script. Most of the time, I’m deciding where to go with the script AS I write the outline. Actually, that’s all of the time. I know the end, and the beginning. The middle in bits and pieces. So the outline fills in the rest.

Writing is anything you want it to be, a hobby, a passion, a career. Learn as you do it, just be satisfied with what you do.

yeah init lol and if you do struggle when your tryin write jus leave it and when ideas come to ya head jot them down !!