the movie is done. maybe u wanna check it out. its on youtube and 12 minutes playtime (so i had to split it into 2 parts… only 10 minutes per video allowed on youtube).
part 1: - YouTube
part 2: - YouTube
by the way… part 2 is blocked in following countries: germany (i used a Tony Williams tune and thats why it is blocked in germany… makes no sense to me) but when u are from germany, just change under account ur country to USA or somn else and it will work fine.
i uploaded the whole movie now to vimeo (the quality overthere is nice)
mhmhmh no answer. maybe some critic or review or whatever after these posters? ???
Haha, I had a good time watching it! It doesn’t really make any sense or goes anywhere but I guess that’s what you were going for and that’s alright.
What did you use to make this movie? It’s pretty amazing.
Sorry I don’t come in this section of the boards very often and I didn’t even see this post before today.
thanks for taking your time and watching my movie RatQuiRit. much appreciated. its an exploitation flick so there doesnt need to be a real story (and i would call my film a comedy film). them bitches just doing their thing
i did also a case scene (like in pulp fiction) but nobody recognized that yet, and at the end (and thru the movie) the case often shows up. but if somebody would ask, i would tell them what in my case was ;D
i did the animation with the program called: ICLONE
i hope more people would watch the movie and bring some feedback, thoughts and so on to the table.
I don’t think anybody on this forum wouldn’t get the pulp fiction reference with the case. I totally forgot to comment on it but ofc I got it
So, what’s in the case?
in the case are: dildos made out of 24 carat gold
I know this took A LOT of work… I applaud you on that, I wouldn’t have the patience. It’s kinda cool. The Lorenzo Lamas was a nice touch. Don’t get the animals constantly eating the zombie blood though… But, nice effort. Entertaining and pointless. LOL… Really, nice work.
If you want more people to watch it, you should get some girls to lay down some voices. The speech kind of limits its potential.
thanks for your comments and thoughts and so on. roulette? yeah it took me mad monthes to do this movie… about 5 to 6 monthes.
angel? get me some girls and then they can dub the next bitches (in my movies) ;D
[quote=“Shidden”] yeah it took me mad monthes to do this movie… about 5 to 6 monthes. [/quote]
Damn! I applaud your ability to get the job done. I would have said fuck it after a month or two. Talk about a labor of love...
LOL. A month ago (or so) I watched the trailer of that movie with a huge shark jumping from the ocean and cutting a plane in half. It had Lorenzo Lamas in it and I instantly wondered where I heard this name before. So I went through his films only to find out I hadn’t seen one, so I thought I must had him confused with someone else. Now I come back to this topic and it just occurred to me that I heard it here first! HAHA
so you havent seen “Snake Eater” with lorenzo lamas? thats a dope ass film. watch that movie.