Unfortunately I saw “Be Cool” last weekend and im sorry to say it was probably the worst movie of the year. The attempts to stylize similar to tarantino were pathetic. From the trunk shots to the dance scene with uma thurman and john travolta, the whole movie was a terrible rip off of pulp fiction. Even a cameo from steven tyler couldn’t make this movie good. Not to mention the “RisingStar” Christina Milian,(the ethnic version of brittney spears). Her acting was horrible AND she cant sing! Did any1 else see this movie and the the similarities it had to pulp fiction?
They’re actually used a trunk shot? Now that’s taking it too far, the fuckers.
horrible way to raise money
Talking about trunk shots just watched the trailer for Layer Cake (The film by Lock Stock producer Matthew Vaugnh / you can see it at Quicktime) anyway even he uses the trunk shot, and since Claudia Schiffer ( Vaugns girlfriend) would not even star in a QT movie because he did not want her too, but it’s okay for him to use a QT trademark?
Talking about trunk shots just watched the trailer for Layer Cake (The film by Lock Stock producer Matthew Vaugnh / you can see it at Quicktime) anyway even he uses the trunk shot, and since Claudia Schiffer ( Vaugns girlfriend) would not even star in a QT movie because he did not want her too, but it’s okay for him to use a QT trademark?
I think even Guy Ritchie uses trunk shots in his films
Guys… you talk like Tarantino invented the trunk shot and is the only person in the world allowed to use it… :
It wasnt even just the trunk shot. There were a lot of similiarities. They also stole the use of a sketchy pawn shop. Both had a star that signed a bad contract. Both had the dance scene with Travolta and Uma. Both had some1 shoot some1 at a coffee shop/dinner. There were A LOT of similarities. The way the director did it made it tottally unbelievable and that made the film loose substantial credability. It was just horrible…
F. Gary Gray is still the man though, i love that guy, cant argue with the man who created Friday, its just a bitch when youre spoofing something in order to make money off of it (because thats whats being done)
imdb says:
"John Travolta suggested Uma Thurman for the role of Edie, wanting to re-create their chemistry from Pulp Fiction (1994) all over again."
my opinion? bullshit
I saw the commercial for it today, and this project is damn weak. Actually if I was an actor I would consider in what movies I act, I wonder if Uma really likes that project enough to act in it and try to do it good or only because she has nothing else to do, or is it the money. I mean it’s fucked up, she’s always been acting in shit movies too. If there were no tarantino she’d never get anywhere far.
I saw the commercial for it today, and this project is damn weak. Actually if I was an actor I would consider in what movies I act, I wonder if Uma really likes that project enough to act in it and try to do it good or only because she has nothing else to do, or is it the money. I mean it’s fucked up, she’s always been acting in shit movies too. If there were no tarantino she’d never get anywhere far.
I agree with the exception of her role in "Gattaca" she was great in that movie.
About Uma Thurman, I disagree that she was only good in Tarantino movies. What about Jennifer Eight, Hysterical Blindness, Dangerous Liasons, Gattaca, and Tape (small role but none the less a great movie and a great performance).
definitley, see’s brilliant in gattaca and Dangerous liasons, and even in Get shorty…incidently I though thats why she and John travolta were both cast in the film, because it was the sequel movie?
though I think QT’s movies have really credited her as a ‘proffesional’ actor, oppose to just a generic Hollywood preety blond
yeah, Uma’s been really good in every movie I’ve seen her in. she always exceeds even the directors’ expectations at the time. She has that certain, how do you say, je ne sais quoi. She speaks to the public. She speaks to me and we’ve never even met. But I think, to be honest, that if you ever felt like Uma didn’t act very well in a movie, like in Month by the Lake for instance, yuo go back and watch it again and you’ll see how perfect she was. Very natural. Her mojo hand is strong even if she doesn’t think, she know it.
I haven’t seen this movie, and I think that I won’t like it.
But we can notice that the movie is from a novel of Elmore Leonard, and QT is really influenced by Elmore Leonard. So the dance scene, that someone shoot someone in a coffe shop, were probably already in the novel. So it had to be in the movie too, and QT had influenced himself with this novel before.
I haven’t read this novel, I read a lot of Elmore Leonard, but not this one.
But after then, I saw in the trailer that the movie director wanted to do it like QT, and not much Elmore Leonard, so I understand that the movie must be irritating ! I support you on this point !
Okay just seen Layer cake… I mentioned earlier, pretty good film, but using a differnt version of the song ‘Don’t let me be mis-understood’ as the closing song?
Guys… you talk like Tarantino invented the trunk shot and is the only person in the world allowed to use it… :
You obviously don’t get my sarcasm. Also, I have no problem with other people using the trunk shot, it’s mostly only related to QT though as he uses it in every film. When a film has similarities to a QT film, and a trunk shot is also included, it is just another similarity, they still took the idea from QT. If the film had no other similarities to QT’s film(s), we wouldn’t have even mentioned the trunk shot thing, but it didn’t and we did.
god. i saw be cool just because i wanted to see the dance scene. it was a HORRIBLE movie. i like uma i like travolta but this sucked! it was funny in one part tho…the part where steven tyler is explaining sweet emotion…everyone around me was all silent and listening intently and i was cracking up…i mean i dont really expect steven tyler to be a good actor but it was SOOOO bad!!! (and hilarious…)
I haven’t seen it, but one clip i saw on tv of the rock trying to do a monolouge was pretty funny
The film is a total rip off of Pulp Fiction. The Uma Thurman and John Travolta scenes are ridiculous, the dance, the way he looks at her is all the same shit!!
“Be cool” … Jules Winnfield?
Harvey Keitel trying to solve problems?