what do I think of it?
Read it here:
<LINK_TEXT text=“http://fan.tcm.com/_Avatar-3D-Go-See-It … 66470.html”>http://fan.tcm.com/_Avatar-3D-Go-See-It/blog/1621973/66470.html</LINK_TEXT>
Avatar is overblown mediocre boring hollywood dreck.
- The “new super advanced 3-D” was a PR lie, it was the same stupid 3D we had for and have seen for many years, in the likes of Beowolf, etc.
- The story was a rehash of Pocahontas mixed with Dances with Wolves, only this time it was with Aliens. Predictable, boring and much too long.
- Sam Worthington has ZERO charisma.
- Sigourney Weaver is too fucking old. Like seriously one time i think I saw spiderwebs coming out of her vagina.
And those are just a few of the problems. “it changes the filmmaking” BULLSHIT. It’s about as innovative as Transformers 2.
Cool movie if your an impressionable 12 year old who has never seen a movie. Otherwise, skip it.
Someone is angry… :o
I REALLY liked it. This is one of those picture you either like or hate. Read the reviews on Avatar. Some guys say it’s shit others think it’s the best LOOKING picture ever made.
And that’s what I’m saying. It looks so great and the story isn’t all that bad. It reminded me of Star Wars: A New Hope in the sense of the world that James created. I mean this Is an original script I think.
Avatar has two positives:
- It is very nice to look at.
- Zoe Saldana
I wouldn’t compare it to Star Wars, because Avatar was mostly just boring to me.
I dunno, this is a damn good film. The action had a Gunga Din , George Stevens tempo to it. I did have a problem with the one liners. Like when Michelle Rodriguez says: “You’re not the only one with a gun, bitch.” - I mean let’s face it James Cameron is no writer, but he can sure as hell write with the camera and that counts for something.
It barely counts for something. Ever since Cameron got his hands on these new toys he’s been consistently shocking me with his storytelling ineptitude. I can’t believe I considered this fucking movie a 4/5. Maybe it was just the really geeky audience that fed my enthusiasm. Quite frankly I’m not even particularly impressed with the effects anymore. James Cameron is the new asshole of the directors universe. I wonder if he sustained brain damage when he went on all those scuba diving expeditions.
[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”]It barely counts for something. Ever since Cameron got his hands on these new toys he’s been consistently shocking me with his storytelling ineptitude. I can’t believe I considered this fucking movie a 4/5. Maybe it was just the really geeky audience that fed my enthusiasm. Quite frankly I’m not even particularly impressed with the effects anymore. James Cameron is the new asshole of the directors universe. I wonder if he sustained brain damage when he went on all those scuba diving expeditions.[/quote]
wow. such hostility. I usually try to enjoy the films I go watch. Why pay 10 bucks to complain about the movie. I liked it, I try to put away the bad things and just see it without being a little critic about it. Just have fun. It was my first 3D movie as well, So I really had fun seeing it. I saw it twice in 3D actually.
[quote=“Lt. BioBasterd”][quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”]It barely counts for something. Ever since Cameron got his hands on these new toys he’s been consistently shocking me with his storytelling ineptitude. I can’t believe I considered this fucking movie a 4/5. Maybe it was just the really geeky audience that fed my enthusiasm. Quite frankly I’m not even particularly impressed with the effects anymore. James Cameron is the new asshole of the directors universe. I wonder if he sustained brain damage when he went on all those scuba diving expeditions.[/quote]
wow. such hostility. I usually try to enjoy the films I go watch. Why pay 10 bucks to complain about the movie. I liked it, I try to put away the bad things and just see it without being a little critic about it. Just have fun. It was my first 3D movie as well, So I really had fun seeing it. I saw it twice in 3D actually.[/quote]
I paid ten bucks to fucking love a movie, when I don’t I get nit-picky. More people should: standards baby, standards.
Saw it again though and the things that bothered me before don’t bother me as much. The 2D rocked, the effects and action were clear, the scope wasn’t lost to the gimmick. Still not great, but of the films I’ve seen this year it could easily rank as among the best.
I saw Avatar tonight, and was VERY impressed. It’s an enjoyable story told with absolutely stunning technology - the CGI is breathtaking and the 3D version is incredibly immersive. go and see it.
I havent seen Avatar yet and to tell the truth I actually kinda dont wanna watch it.
[quote=“Mr.Pink”]I havent seen Avatar yet and to tell the truth I actually kinda dont wanna watch it.[/quote]
Don't worry. Since day one I didn't want to watch this movie. The Cameron hype got to people when all he ever did was make 2 good sequels for films (Aliens and T2), and even with Aliens it has nothing on Alien.
both his Terminator movies were amazing.
[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]both his Terminator movies were amazing.[/quote]
No doubt (more for the second than the first), and I’ll say even The Abyss. I got a soft spot for that movie. Although some judicial re-writes wouldn’t have hurt anybody.
[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]1. The “new super advanced 3-D” was a PR lie, it was the same stupid 3D we had for and have seen for many years, in the likes of Beowolf, etc.
I thought the 3D was the best integrated I have ever seen. But the real drawcard is actually the motion-capture technology.
Don’t worry. Since day one I didn’t want to watch this movie. The Cameron hype got to people when all he ever did was make 2 good sequels for films (Aliens and T2), and even with Aliens it has nothing on Alien.[/quote]
You can hate all you want, but now James Cameron has the two highest-grossing films of all time under his belt. Money might not be any testament to the quality of a film, but his box office success does make him one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.
[quote=“Angel”] You can hate all you want, but now James Cameron has the two highest-grossing films of all time under his belt. Money might not be any testament to the quality of a film, but his box office success does make him one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.[/quote]
Better him than Michael Bay.
I’m looking forward to Transformers 3 with all the robot on robot action and explosions, I will certainly NOT pay any money to see (the already announced) Avatar 2: “Now even blander, easy-to-consume and more viewer-friendly, with an even older Sigourney Weaver!”
[quote=“Ordell Rodriguez”][quote=“Angel”] You can hate all you want, but now James Cameron has the two highest-grossing films of all time under his belt. Money might not be any testament to the quality of a film, but his box office success does make him one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.[/quote]
Better him than Michael Bay.[/quote]
Yea. Don’t remember seeing a good Michael Bay movie.
[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]I’m looking forward to Transformers 3 with all the robot on robot action and explosions, I will certainly NOT pay any money to see (the already announced) Avatar 2: “Now even blander, easy-to-consume and more viewer-friendly, with an even older Sigourney Weaver!”[/quote]
What does being old have to do with anything? You’re still watching the latest Steven Seagal shit he slids out of his asshole, and he’s a 102 years old.
If Sigourney Weaver starts Aikido-ing people to death, shooting them and throwing them through glass I wouldn’t say anything. But there’s a rule in Hollywood that women should be attractive/hot/sexy most of the time. Instead of a charismatic old woman they could have casted a charismatic-but-still-good-looking woman. But that is really one of the lesser important problems with Avatar.
[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]If Sigourney Weaver starts Aikido-ing people to death, shooting them and throwing them through glass I wouldn’t say anything. But there’s a rule in Hollywood that women should be attractive/hot/sexy most of the time. Instead of a charismatic old woman they could have casted a charismatic-but-still-good-looking woman. But that is really one of the lesser important problems with Avatar.[/quote]
Let’s leave that rule to Michael Bay and his shitty movies, shall we? You tend to play the part of the guy who goes against movie trends, then complain that they didn’t go with the oldest cliche in the book with this film. Make up your mind, dude. Weaver played the part of a prolific doctor, it’s only natural the part demanded someone of a mature age.
I do somewhat agree with your other points, though. Take out the special effects and the 3D gimmicks from the movie, and you’re left with an emperor with no clothes. I actually got bored watching it halfway throughout. Give me a solid script and characters I give a shit about rather than fancy effects. Give me the original Terminator rather than Avatar any time of the day.