This topic is for official announcements regarding The Quentin Tarantino Archives (both the main news website, The Archives, and this forum). It is read-only.
We have officially re-launched The Quentin Tarantino Archives’ forums, about 17 years after they were first born. Stay tuned for more detailed updates on what this all means, where you can find more information, and so on.
Some updates on the organization of the forum:
- International Forums is now a main category again
- There are less sub-forums now, e.g. Films > Kill Bill, but that one doesn’t have any more sub sections like we used to have, like for soundtracks. Instead, topics can be tagged now
- Tags: We are slowly starting to tag some posts
- We are working on cleaning up a lot of old stuff that is no longer relevant, deleting topics, merging posts, rewriting some of the FAQs and help topics. Help us out if you want, point out stuff that needs cleaning
- Categories still need their own colors, descriptions and images, we are working on it
Here is the announcement
Legendary Tarantino Archives message boards make a comeback
The Archives (the core of the website, located at has now been upgraded and moved to a new host, it’s now securely available (https) as well. Please surf around and let us know if there’s any problems you encounter. It’s look and feel was also adapted to match this forum and the main news pages.
The new year will start with the 1.9 upgrade to Discourse, bringing a number of interesting improvements to the forum software. Stay tuned
It will probably arrive in the next days/weeks, and it brings a whole lot of smaller and larger upgrades to the forum, if you’re into the nitty gritty techy stuff you can check it out here Discourse Version 1.9 - releases - Discourse Meta
This forum now uses Discourse 1.9, which brings the improvements linked to above, some of which are neatly explained here:
We have made some minor changes to our privacy policy, however some more work still needs to be done. In short: nothing changes, most aspects were made very clear before.
Privacy at the QTA forums in a nutshell:
- we use Google Analytics
- we may use Google Adsense
- Embedded media (e.g. YouTube) is like visiting those pages
- we don’t pass on your personal data to third parties
- your data is transmitted via an https connection
- We’ll export and/or delete the data we have on you at your request
etc. Stay tuned and contact us if you have any questions.
Discourse 2.0 is coming shortly to this forum… for those interested, the following link provides some detail about what’s coming:
Now running Discourse 2.0, enjoy
Forum upgraded to Discourse 2.1 / to read more about what this brings for you, read the below article by the makers of Discourse:
So we’re now on 2.2, which brings a lot of under-the-hood updates (it also broke a few things, images mostly, some things are still being fixed while you’re reading this)… for those interested in what it is, their product blog has the details:
On the top right corner of the screen, next to your user icon, I also updated some of the essential quick-access icons.
Alright, I love it when the underlying tech that powers this forum makes some bigger steps, and the 2.5 update brings some really neat things. I cannot say exactly when it will be applied to this forum, but here are some of the things to look forward to:
- You will be able to add timed reminders and descriptions to your bookmarks
- Multiple users can be invited at once with an invite link (that you can for example post on social media somewhere)
- The forum will finally support multiple email adreses per account! And user accounts can also be merged more easily.
- The forum will natively support and adapt to your timezone
- Certain posts/topics will be able to transform into static web pages
- Automatic reply deletion (useful in wiki topics, which we dont really use at the moment)
- IE11 support dropped. Get a better browser, folks. Firefox, Chrome, Vivaldi, Edge… etc.
- Tags have permalinks
- Reddit and Facebook videos get proper onebox embeds
And tons more, read the entire announcement by the Discourse team:
We are officially very old
Coming very soon to the QTA Forums:
The forum’s software will shortly be upgraded (you might not notice it), and in the following article you will find some information about what’s going to be new and better:
On the occasion of The Tarantino Archives 25th birthday this coming year, we’ve started on a major overhaul of our website. We’ll announce the update once we’ve made considerable progess with it