Does anyone know if they made it into the final script and if they did, who’s going to draw them?
I was just watching Natural Born Killers & remembered that the script for Kill Bill has anime/cartoon scenes. It’ll make this movie so much cooler in my opinion. I really hope that Tarantino gets some serious talent, preferably a japanese anime artist since he’s already taking so many other influences from Japan to make Kill Bill, y’know someone like Yoshiaki Kawajiro(The Running Man/Ninja Scroll) or Katsuhiro Otoma(Akira).
wow I didnt kno that there was anime in it!! ( i dont wanna read the script… =D) Katsuhiro Otoma would be my pick… Or whoever was behind Blood and Ghost In The Shell.
PRODUCTION IG, the studio that did Ghost in the Shell is doing the Anime sequences for Kill Bill.
From the Official Production IG Website:
“We would like to announce that Production I.G is currently in production for Quentin Tarentino’s next film entitled, “Kill Bill.” Production I.G will be animating several sequences for the upcoming live-action film.
We are very excited about this project and hope you enjoy it when it is released.”
NICE!!! Haha thats sooo cool! (they were my pick!!) So how long are the anime sequences??
In the first draft of the script theres 2 animation sequences. Both are fuckin cool. You’ll love em.
Hot shit! That is some good news man. QT never lets me down.
now we know that the animation stuff looks like “Aeon Flux” or something. who knows what that is?
[quote]now we know that the animation stuff looks like “Aeon Flux” or something. who knows what that is?[/quote]
Yes, I used to watch Aeon Flux when it was on MTV. It was a series about a spy chick in the future. It was weird but fun. It looked very cool too. I cant wait to see the animated Kill Bill sequences!
Seb, you could probably find some pics of Aeon Flux if you do a search online.
That sounds awesome! How are they being used though? What will go on? Oh well. This movie sounds cooler and cooler.
i try to post some stuff. that picture above is blocked by tripod
Alright. Coolness.
The same guy who did AEON FLUX also did some work on The Animatrix.
He did the tripped out short, Matriculated.
[quote]The same guy who did AEON FLUX also did some work on The Animatrix.
He did the tripped out short, Matriculated.[/quote]
His name is Peter Chang I think.
is matriculated that crazy one where they go into the AI’s version of the matrix?
I still don’t know - i was kinda hoping QT would go with the more traditional anime look. But i guess i can;t complain until i see it…
Now that I’ve seen it, I can’t complain either.
Was that scene anime or manga
[quote]Was that scene anime or manga[/quote]
Anime. Manga is a comic book.