Andrew Jackson Jihad - The best band ever?

I wish more people started listening to this amazing band. I can’t even describe how great they are.

People: - YouTube

Rejoice, Brave as a noun, survival song: - YouTube (AWESOME)

People II: The Reckoning: Andrew Jackson Jihad, "People II: The Reckoning" - YouTube (funny like hell at the end)

Lady Killer: Andrew Jackson Jihad - Lady Killer - YouTube

Jesus Saves: - YouTube

I agree!

If I was to start a new thread for all my best bands ever, I’d be taken for a spammer and banned right away!

But I’ll listen to your vids and give you my opinion if that’s what’ you’re expecting, right after I’m finished with the 2nd listen of Strangeways, Here We Come by The Smiths (best band ever ahah :smiley:)

The quality is horrible, I guess it’s a kind of funny band if you understand the lyrics. But I don’t wanna get into that. We have the same kind of clowns in France and I don’t enjoy listening to them, they don’t amuse me.

More like worst band ever, am I right? :wink:

[quote=“Angel”]More like worst band ever, am I right? :wink:[/quote]
Yup, you’re definantly right.