[size=260]This site is now FIVE years old![/size]
Can´t believe it!
Seb wish you the best for your site.
How does it feel to make this stuff for so long time?
IMO you should give us a short discribtion of the things you plan for the future!
hope this will last another 5years and then another and…
whoopty fucking doo
how long have the forums been up?
uh clears throat
well ;D
I’d like to thank everyone who made this possible. I dont wanna name anyone here, but … the people who know, know anyhow.
I hope there’ll be another 5 years, and there’s lots of cool things coming.
Until then, keep on rocking and check out this little stuff I just put together:
<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.tarantino.info/store/index.p … nniversary”>http://www.tarantino.info/store/index.php?id=anniversary</LINK_TEXT>
and dont forget all your friends and relatives, you should really buy dvds for all of them
[size=150]FIVE YEARS!! I CANT BELIEVE IT![/size]
how long have the forums been up?
2 and a half years
erm, sorry Seb, but does it mean, that we all will recieve a email with the 5th information? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Just kidding…
So, what´s up with the HP? Are your guys currently on work, cuz you said, you wanna change some stuff there. Do you have some more plans for the future?
I am working on a totally new layout for tarantino.info, basically a totally new website. but that will take some time…
I can’t wait to see it, Seb! I’m sure it will be great!
hope this will last another 5years and then another and…
Sorry clown, it is impossible. Someday Seb and CPS and the moderating team will die, nobody will know their passwords, the forum will be left without control and members like Femme Fatale shall post here and there will be nobody to ban them.
To avoid this tragedy, Seb, give us your password.
haha funny
I can’t wait to see it, Seb! I’m sure it will be great!ÂÂ
I can’t wait too… Seb I want to thank for this amazing website and forum !
And I hope that it willbe better and better !!!
Yay!!! ;D And it looks so great, Seb!! Nice work with everything you’ve done and undoubtedly the new stuff will look even better! Can’t wait!
25 years old this year