We all still love Tarantino. Right? Basterds and Django were the best he made, right? I only wish he didn’t cast that french girl in Basterds, should have cast another one. (hopefully that wasn’t a dirty Weisntein maneuvre)
I believe that when a guy like Tarantino is so lucky (somewhat created the luck for himself by being the ultimate film nerd) to be able to make any movie he wants to and have so many people who are looking forward to each movie he makes coming out, all the world’s top actors begging to be chosen to act in his movies (I guess as in Woody Allen films, all willing to take a pay cut if need be), all crew also wishing they could be part of the credits on each Tarantino adventure, then I think you have the responsibility to make as many movies as possible.
I don’t think it’s ok the way he’s been “living life” (aren’t we millions of Tarantino fans worldwide more important than whatever he wanted to “spend time” to do in his private life?) in between movies to reason why he’d only make 1 movie every 3-4 years, that was not ok. Better than Stanley Kubrick who only made 1 movie per decade. But still not quite ok. Tarantino probably should have been at #16 by now, not just #8.
And then I think it’s not ok when he says he wants to quit after this random number of #10.
No, no, no. You can’t quit. You can’t stop.
Keep making them movies until people don’t want to give you money to make them (yeah right), until you’ve used up all your own money to make them (Tarantino probably has kept a fortune enough probably to make #100 if he had enough time to). Or until you become incapacitated. That simple.
Who cares if there’s a risk that you become a senile. Senile film makers can also be great. (I’m pissed off De Palma, Carpenter, Haneke, Godard, Polanski aren’t making more movies recently)
Cinema is the ultimate art form. You cannot quit movies to say you want to write novels or to become a film critic or “to spend time with your kids/to make kids” or some other bullshit. Kids, family, girlfriends, hobbies, drinking etc have to take second priority after the importance to keep churning out these awesome movies that will live forever.