The Jetsons

idk, I just know in anything serious, he sucks.

I don’t use the word suck on him becouse he actually can act, unlike may other hollywood stars.

Nicolas Cage just has a tendency to pick the most god awful movies to be in.

anyone could do his job.

anyone could do his job.

sure, but they wouldn’t have his trademark “beaten dog” look on their face.

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]
sure, but they wouldn’t have his trademark “beaten dog” look on their face.

Oh well.

Movie idea:

A local sheriff(Duane Whitaker) has save his daughter(Vanessa Hudgens) from her obnoxious boyfriend(Zac Effron) who leads a group of cannibal teens. The sheriff kills the boyfriend, but his daughter get’s her left arm and leg riped off and they hide in a local military base were thay are captured by a evil popsinger(Miley Cyrus) and a horde of zombies under her controll.

The daughter is eaten alive but the sheriff and a special agent(Rhona Mitra) manages to escapes, decapitate the popsinger and goes to take on the canniball teens.

Name of the movie:

The Cruel Land

I swear to God that I’m working on a similar script right now. Except it’s cursed weed that makes the kids into cannibals. It’s called “Munchies”

The zombies Cyrus controlls are her fans. Having famous actors dismembered and unknown ones(well Mitra is not to unknown) survive is really funny.

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
I swear to God that I’m working on a similar script right now. Except it’s cursed weed that makes the kids into cannibals. It’s called “Munchies”

I knew those disney actors smoke pot! Otherwise they whould not agree to do such bad movies! But i must say, may God forgive my soul, Vanessa Hudgens is hot.

And i whould like to be in that movie, "Munchies". It sounds cool.

The zombies Cyrus controlls are her fans. Having famous actors dismembered and unknown ones(well Mitra is not to unknown) survive is really funny.

I knew those disney actors smoke pot! Otherwise they whould not agree to do such bad movies! But i must say, may God forgive my soul, Vanessa Hudgens is hot.

And i whould like to be in that movie, “Munchies”. It sounds cool.

It’s modern-day slasher B-movie. Corney as shit. A lot of fun though. I wish Bruce Campbell to play the gay priest.

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
It’s modern-day slasher B-movie. Corney as shit. A lot of fun though. I wish Bruce Campbell to play the gay priest.

Can you explain the plot in shorts?

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
It’s modern-day slasher B-movie. Corney as shit. A lot of fun though. I wish Bruce Campbell to play the gay priest.

Geoi that’s fantastic.

There is already a movie called “Munchies”. It has two sequels.

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]
There is already a movie called “Munchies”. It has two sequels.

Looked it up. Looks classy.

[quote=“Col. Crazy Kenneth”]
There is already a movie called “Munchies”. It has two sequels.

Just the working title, dude. I’ll come up with something better when I finish. :wink:

Title’s suck. I can spend years planning, outlining and eventually writing something before I ever come up with a decent title that isn’t taken only to hate that title a few hours later.

Have you guys heard that Robert Rodriguez is working on a live action Jetson’s film? I’m thinking about starting a thread for it.

Not sure if anyone was all that excited about this but it looks as if Robert’s backed out.

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It’s a fun idea and all… but is this movie ‘really’ worth doing??

Not in my opinion. I think if they really “have” to do a Jetsons movie I’d rather it be animated in 2D. Just a little sharper than the show. I’m just hoping I don’t live long enough to see The Simpsons in live action.