Fan Art (banners, avatars, posters etc)

maybe it will be like that futurama episode thats about an evil car which is hitlers car with knight riders windscreen wipers.

Hitler is overly used. I want to know more about car psychology and their hidden feelings. It’s going to be about two cars that fulfil their dreams and free their souls, falling in love.

Actually Death Proof is a slasher film, its just the killer uses a car instead of a knife or other weapon.

I want to see the famous stairway chase then.

I want to see the famous stairway chase then.


I want to see the famous stairway chase then.

or the beautiful chick running down a narrow hallway followed by the slasher person/car :slight_smile:

or how about a Psycho-esque shower scene? muahahaha ROFL

[quote=“Seb (admin)”]
or the beautiful chick running down a narrow hallway followed by the slasher person/car :slight_smile:

or how about a Psycho-esque shower scene? muahahaha ROFL

Beautiful Chick Showers

Car Headlights Can Be Seen Through the Shower Cutains! DUN DUN!

Car Rams through shower!

Pyscho Theme plays as the car runs over the girl over and over again.

It’ll be the fuckin greatest tagline for a movie ever!

That would be hilarious if QT just had the killer crash through the wall into the shower. It would be like his big “Fuck You” to Psycho.

He doesnt even like the first Psycho

[quote=“QT Fan”]
He doesnt even like the first Psycho

and thats probably why he would do it

I know that why but I’m just pointing out that he doesnt even like the first one. I dont know why either. :-</E>

Haha, they are all really cool, i might try to do one soon and post it. I love the two-sided one…



[quote=“Seb (admin)”]
in Germany videostores have two entries :slight_smile: so when you’re in the “family-safe half” of the building you don’t even know what could be on the “other side”

haha that is funny, because in Australia, things like Porno just sits on the shelf usually in strange places like right next to the family section or action section etc, lol

[quote=“QT Fan”]
I know that why but I’m just pointing out that he doesnt even like the first one. I dont know why either. :-</E>

I am pretty sure that QT doesnt reallly like Hitchcock

I know he doesnt and I still cant believe he doesnt.

it’s a damn shame

Oh god… anyway there are Hitch’s references in his movies.

it’s a damn shame

I fell it like that too : it’s a shame not to live Hitchcock movies… I mean, he’s one of the best directors ever !

I don’t like the way he was sometimes commercial. Like all that dramatical orchestra music and the most beautiful american actors, and everyone’s in a suit and all. Though Rebecca was great with Laurence Olivier and all.

His latest stuff was incredible though, Psycho is a masterpiece and Birds is one of the most disturbing movies, with all the silent murders and all, and that it gives you no hope at all. His spy films are great as well.

Vertigo MUST be his best, an incredible atmosphere, I love it, definitely one of my favourites.

Hitch admited he made films strictly for the audience, I don’t blame him, why? I’m the audience, HA! what’s wrong with dramatical orchestra music? I love it, it’s great, beautifull, Herrman is brilliant, Hitch and Herrman were one person, much like Leone and Morricone

Haha, with the music I mean the parts where for example a girl is waiting for her love and then he (Laurence Olivier) comes out of a shadow and a music plays as they hug.