Christoph Waltz wins Best Actor at Cannes

If i know correctly, at cannes one film can have only one of three big awards after a change made recently… So after Waltz had a award, Tarantino could not have the big one.

For Haneke, Huppert could be an advantage but jury is a this kind of jury anyway…

oh i didn't knew that... then it wasn't such a bad taste in his mouth when christophs name was called.
i'm just curious what harvey had to say

Haneke and Waltz are both Austrians. we really ruled Cannes this year. :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet I’m not gonna like Haneke’s movie anywhere near as much as Quentin’s.

[quote=“Cpt tonyanthony”]
i think a film can still get the palme d’or and a price for the actors.

i remember in 91, before the changes, Barton Fink received: best actor, best director, and the palme d’or or smg… (Roman Polanski was president of the jury)

Yes it is true but after they changed rules for avoiding this case…

From Wiki i found this rule change written but sorry it’s in french : "À noter qu’après que le Jury ait attribué à Barton Fink trois prix importants en 1991, le règlement a été modifié : le jury n’a en effet plus le droit de donner plusieurs prix à un même film. Seul un prix d’interprétation peut s’ajouter à un autre "

It says: after Fink got three big awards, the change made that the jury has not the wright to give more then one award to one film.

I called Waltz stealing the show the moment I finished reading the script…amazing.

Congrats to Haneke, I loved The Piano Teacher (Huppert, hmmm) and both versions of Funny Games.

Sounds like The White Ribbon is somber, serious film set during wartime i.e. exactly what QT didnt want to do with his war movie.

Maybe the movie is also better you know… I’m just saying.

But good for Waltz, and good for IB.

that’s why you are a BASTERD and not a white ribbon…don’t you pete? :slight_smile: ;D

Maybe the movie is also better you know… I’m just saying.


that’ll be a first for haneke…

Maybe the movie is also better you know… I’m just saying.

Yeah to the Cannes jury, not to me. :slight_smile:

[quote]Seul un prix d’interprétation peut s’ajouter à un autre.[/quote]
my french isn’t great but i am pretty sure that this means that the actor price is an exception to the rule. :slight_smile: it still could have won another price.

my french isn’t great but i am pretty sure that this means that the actor price is an exception to the rule. :slight_smile: it still could have won another price.

You’re wright i think… I wrote that without clearly read it…

i’m not familiar with haneke but i watched the trailer for the white ribbon and it doesn’t affected me at all…to serius and kinda numb ( i don’t know how to decribe it better). I loved schindlers list but watching WW2 movies always from the victims perspective made me tired after a while.

nope…it was time for some bear jew action.

my first impression, in the trailer from the opening scene in the house of christoph was:

" oh my gosh…here comes sir peter ustinovs nero character in a swastika uniform"…and i love ustinov so much

Congrats to el Christopho… I’m sure it was deservingly so.

[quote=“Cyd Novak”]


He looks so happy. He has reasons. He was unknown and now he wins the golden palm.

Congratulations Mr. Waltz

I hate Christoph Waltz now, he completely stole the Golden Palm for best Actor from Omar Doom!!! >:(


Congratulations to Christoph!! :slight_smile:

Quentin needs to capitalize on Waltz’ win as ‘Basterds’ open in August by giving Christoph his own ‘Christoph Waltz is a Nazi Basterd’ poster. :slight_smile:

Great news, yet in those above pics its hard to believe he can play such a basterd!

Yeah, he seems too gentle and kind hearted…which means his acting is amazing!