I didn’t say that you wouldn’t watch it because he doesn’t like it. I said you wouldn’t like it. I don’t really give a shit if you watch it or not, it was just a little tip from me.
Okay, I had to watch Se7en again after making this topic and it is just an AWESOME movie. Only movie that is better by Fincher is Fight Club, but it is really close. Spacey is just fucking great, same with Pitt and Freeman. I kinda suck at rating movies but Se7en is at least a 9+.
And on the trailer stuff, I heard too about some movie, and I heard there wasnt a trailer for Zodiac yet. That trailer was cool tho even if it wasnt Finchers Zodiac.
I didn’t say that you wouldn’t watch it because he doesn’t like it. I said you wouldn’t like it. I don’t really give a shit if you watch it or not, it was just a little tip from me.
I hope I didn’t offence you, wasn’t the point
And on the trailer stuff, I heard too about some movie, and I heard there wasnt a trailer for Zodiac yet. That trailer was cool tho even if it wasnt Finchers Zodiac.[/quote]
The trailer must be somewhere on the net, it’s supposed to be shown with The Departed, so since 6th of october it’s on US theaters.
And about Se7en, I love it, and yeah it deserves highly 9+ !
Yes, I just read that it would be shown with the Departed on the imdb-board. Still looking for a trailer tho, without finding any.
Se7en was an impulse buy of me, I’d just seen Fight Club, thought it was great, and looked for it online. On the cheapest place they also hed Se7en by the same guy, and I remember people had told me how nasty it was. I wasn’t let down It is rather nasty, but an awesome movie. For me Fight Club will always be his best, but Se7en is pretty fucking close.
Anyway: If someone should find the trailer, i happen to know someone who would like to see it…
Well don’t see the game cus bleach hates it and of course you’ll do to. So kindof a waste of time for ya
I liked the game a lot…I saw it way back in the theatre, so maybe I will change my opinion on it when I see it again, but I digged it a lot back then…
Whats wrong with the game?
The game isnt only the game. The game is the shit ;D
The game isnt only the game. The game is the shit ;D
high five my muse of great taste! ;D 8)
haha and bad jokes! go me! ;D
I think it’s great, but maybe cus I like Michael Douglas a lot?
I think it’s great, but maybe cus I like Michael Douglas a lot?
Ahah too bad Bleach isn’t online, or he’d post this great pic of Michael Douglas ;D
Well, fuck him. Bleach has like the worst taste ever (how long until i cant edit this anymore? )
I wish Micheal Douglas was my daddy
Well, fuck him. Bleach has like the worst taste ever (how long until i cant edit this anymore? )
It’s quoted, then you can’t ever say you haven’t written this horrible sentence ! So first no f#ck, Bleach is one of the sweetest, and second, he has amazing taste !
Bleach wherever you are, I’m here to defend you :-*
Of course.
I wish Micheal Douglas was my daddy
[/quote]That would be cool. I would have him come and yell at people I didnt like.
On topic though, this movie is gonna rock so hard!! Fincher and Gyllenhaal!!! fuckkkk yeahhhhh!
Hahaha yeah I know you like like Jake
I’m really looking forward to this! David Fincher is the man 8)
… And Gary Oldman, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Chloe Sevigny and Anthony Edwards (it will reminds me of ER ;D)
heeey, tim!! Your lover, Robert! Never forget him! I know you want him so bad ;D
Hahaha! Some girl said that I looked like him…
And fuck yeah…I want the Downster sooooo BAD!@!@!!!
Funny fact: If you wanna spot the bad guy in a movie:
- The guy that is kinda famous and doesnt have that much onscreen time. OR
- Robert Downey JR.
David Ficher talks about Zodiac: - YouTube
Cool vid! I saw some documentary about the real zodiac killer and some people who copied him some years ago on Discovery…
Does someone have some info on that? Pretty interesting story I believe, but dont know it anymore Of course something with starsigns ;D
At first I wasnt really interested in it but now it looks really good and I definitely will be seeing it