<LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2009/may … male-roles”>Why Quentin Tarantino should be celebrated by women | Quentin Tarantino | The Guardian</LINK_TEXT>
Wow, she’s quite wishy-washy isn’t she? For every compliment she hands QT, there’s a sucker-punch waiting to knock him back down. Still, probably the most positive Tarantino article I’ve ever seen from the Guardian. Tossers.
[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]Still, probably the most positive Tarantino article I’ve ever seen from the Guardian. Tossers.[/quote]
Or newspapers in general. I’d love to see what the Mail or Express had to say about Reservoir Dogs when it came out. Bloody hell.
My only qualm with this article is the implication that RD is at fault for not having female characters. Way to miss the point. She’s bang on about Death Proof and Kill Bill though
that’s actually a good article.
Makes a change to hear something positive coming from journalists in terms of Tarantino’s portrayal of women.
Nice read.
Hmmmm. Never really bothered me whether a film, be it QT’s or anyone else’s, is full of females or full of males. The only thing that should matter is how well they can act, not how “strong” their character is. In the case of DP, I felt all the female characters were boring with too much over-the-top attitude, whilst in JB and KB the female character’s were just cool (maybe its because they were strong, but I didn’t feel disgusted when Beatrice become a mother at the end of KB). I don’t care how ‘strong’ (insert I can be just as masculine as any male - yawn) a character is, I care just whether they are good or not.
And I thought Alabama in TR was a great, interesting character. The assumption that all prostitutes must be weak and thus uninteresting (a statement that I and many of my female friends would disagree with) is downright ridiculous.
I agree about Alabama. I love her. (not in a gay way, pervs)
[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
I agree about Alabama. I love her. (not in a gay way, pervs)
Glad you agree. I thought she was great, head screwed on, can handle herself, certanily not weak at all.