The briefcase topic

hey didnt one die???

I dont know…

Whats your opinion on the briefcase?

[quote]I dont know…

Whats your opinion on the briefcase?[/quote]


All American Girl. Episode: Pulp Sitcom

you actually get to SEE what’s in it. no shit

the briefcase was a red herring, now get over it… :-*

It’s strange that Jules asks “We happy” and Vincent replies “We happy” because it almosts sounds like they knew what was in the case or what they were expecting. I don’t think they hinted about it earlier in the movie.

:slight_smile: !I KNOW WHAT’S IN THE BRIEFCASE! :slight_smile:


It’s a fucking light! How else would it shine? Diamonds gleam and a soul has no colour to it. Quentin put a light in the case to make the object shine otherwise people would’nt speculate as much.

[quote]It’s strange that Jules asks “We happy” and Vincent replies “We happy” because it almosts sounds like they knew what was in the case or what they were expecting.  I don’t think they hinted about it earlier in the movie.[/quote]

yeah and vincent says it with this expression of that he really is impressed by it…so impressed actually that he doesnt hear jules ask him the first time…so its really something special…but not religious like a soul I think because he doesnt buy jules his religious tendencies…

I know its jus a lightbulb and john travolta didnt really die…because its a fucking movie…but I cant believe that he just did the Hitchcock effect of creating mystery on something that really has no meaning…I think QT had something in mind that was in the suitcase but came to the conclusion that people speculating on the subject would be cooler than just saying its a soul, a suit or whatever…

i know the suitcase changes on the people looking into it. the suitcase looks into you and finds out your deepest desires and shows it in front of you.

[quote]i know the suitcase changes on the people looking into it. the suitcase looks into you and finds out your deepest desires and shows it in front of you.[/quote]

That’s an intersting theory. But I’m going to go with what some of the other said in that I think Quentin just put it there for us, the viewers, to decide what was in that briefcase. I remember him saying once that it was one of those things where you go to watch the movie with your friends then go for a lunch and discuss what was in the case.

yea prop…

As I mentioned already in another thread, if what’s in the briefcase is Marsellus wallace’s soul, how come Vincent remains so skeptic about religious stuff after having opened the briefcase and seen the contents?

It doesn’t make any sense to me at all…

That was gold or something like that, maybe there was a lot of money and a flashlight, that was not switched off. Anyway - you can all guess, but it’ll always be a secret.

Sure, I think it’s meant to remain a secret so everyone can guess. But not ANY guess is valid. Some things just can’t be. It couldn’t be an elephant coz it wouldn’t fit, right? Just like, in my oppinion, it can’t be a soul (apart from it being a ridiculous idea – who carries a soul around in a breifcase?) for the reason I mentioned above.

The best explanation for me is that in the suitcase is “the light” like in the blues brothers…

In all the stories in pulp there are people changing their way of doing things…and seen the light of a better way of living…

could it possibly be marcellus’s soul. the band-aid on the back of his head could be from selling his soul to the devil and now he wants it back, thus the gold light in the case, and the bible references.

Darth, please read my post up there. How do u explain Vincent seeing a soul inside a briefcase and still not believing in divine intervention, or God or anything??? Besides… there are no supernatural events in the movie… they TALK about spiritual stuff all the time, but what they DO is pretty “earthy”. I find no reason to think those guys are running around with a soul (!) in a briefcase!

things that could be in it; gold, diamonds, money, pictures of marcellus wallace dressed up as ru paul

NO soul

it’s a Macguffin- basically whatever that person desires most is in the briefcase

so if Marsellus desires a soul that he doesn’t have, then it’s in the case

I’ll tell you what it is it’s a fish bowl painted over w/ gold acrylic paint w/ a nite-lite inside of it. But it’s supposed be the holy grail or some shit like that.

Since QT said that what’s in the briefcase is whatever you want it to be, then that’s what I say…but, I will say this:

I don’t believe that it’s Marsellus’ soul and here’s why. Marsellus Wallace is NOT a nice guy.

He may be [color=Blue]cool but he’s NOT nice. When Ringo gazes into the open briefcase in the diner scene at the end, he says that what he sees is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, or something to that effect. In my opinion the soul of a man like Marsellus Wallace would not be beautiful. Now, I know that Ringo is somewhat on the same side of the tracks as Marsellus, but he’s not in the same league, so (I believe) that he would know beautiful rather than ugly.

Anyway, that’s my opinion. Thanks for letting me share it.
