Teenager finds bat asleep in bra

Normally, the BBC are seen as a respectable establishment bringing serious and informed news to people from all over the world. I stumbled upon this insightful article:

BBC NEWS | England | Norfolk | Teenager finds bat asleep in bra

What the fuck is going on? One of the silliest things I have read for sure (and I have read a lot of posts from Kilgore ;D)

OMG. This is article is so funny but sick in the same time. Who can find a bat in a bra and second thing, who can think it’s a vibrating phone in a bra ? Who puts phone in his bra ??

“It looked quite cosy and comfortable in there so it was quite rude of me to take it out”

yeah, I agree. what the fuck did she think taking it outa there? who doesn’t like a good nap on the bosom of a chick with a bra size like that…

ROFL @ this story

The Dark Knight promo team is at it again!

Reading about bats, I was also expecting something Batman related, ahah.

Pics or it didn’t happen ;D

I can’t imagine having something moving around in my bra for 5 hours and not doing anything about it. It was a baby bat, which is really cute, but it could just have easily been a big disgusting june bug. Not cute.

But yes, how is this news? It’s a human interest story that people might want to read because it involves a young womans chest, but why on the BBC?

Reading about bats, I was also expecting something Batman related, ahah.

Singing along to the batman theme Na Na NA NA Na Na Na Batman!


But yes, how is this news? It’s a human interest story that people might want to read because it involves a young womans chest, but why on the BBC?

haha you got that right. Any time a news story involves a womans chest you’ve got a story that guys are gonna want to read :smiley:

It’s a pretty funny story “What’s that in my bra, is that my pesty phone again?” I’m surprised the bat survived, lucky bat :wink:

I can’t imagine having something moving around in my bra for 5 hours and not doing anything about it. It was a baby bat, which is really cute, but it could just have easily been a big disgusting june bug. Not cute.

But yes, how is this news? It’s a human interest story that people might want to read because it involves a young womans chest, but why on the BBC?

Hey june bugs need love to…

Junebugs are cute little fellows aren’t they? How did she get a bat in her bra?