STANLEY KUBRICK : Genius or Hack?

genius. his movies are really cold, not as emotional as for example bergman, tarantino, hitchcock, and so on… but they are extremly hallucinogenic, full of social comentaries, insidefull thoughts about relationships and so on… he didn’t need thousand lines of dialouge to make his point, he just shows images…some of those images are the best ever filmed… 2001 is propably my favorite movie of all time but i really love all his movies… just watch the killing: this is one of those movies that can’t get old…

The absolute master, he was a crazy mutha, but so f’n what. He def deserved the credit for the images he got on the screen. slo-mo shots, stedi-cams, slo zooms, close-ups, great shit!!

I love the pullbacks in Barry Lyndon, Close up on face, 20 sec later - the person is a dot on the screen.

[quote=“Le Fou”]
he didn’t need thousand lines of dialouge to make his point,

Hahaha, brilliant!!

I wanted to start a post to discuss Stanley Kubrick, who I consider to be a genius of cinema. No he hasnt made films to please the everyone, but he still should be respected as an innovator and visionary of cinema. (most people who have a knowledge of films made before 1994 will agree).

Now, Sebastian, our dear Tarantino Forum Master has drawn a line in the sand. He claims that Kubricks films are basically SHIT. Personally I think Sebs been watching Last Man Standing (his favorite film) too much. Its affecting his brain. :wink:

Since I DO respect other peoples opinions if they have a knowledge of film and film history, I will totally let certain subjects go, BUT this is one case where I cant do that.

So far Seb has said his films are: Plot weak, weird, boring, music scores dont make sense, the films blow because theyre not in Widescreen, and they SUCK ASS.

My opinion is that Kubricks films are : Innovative, comedic, exciting, bizarre, mysterious, breathtaking, surreal, horrific and most of all: fun to watch.

Id like to hear what everyone thinks of Kubrick, do you think hes a great filmmaker or a hackity hack? Be honest and make some valid points please. :slight_smile:



Genius. His films are just about the only other productions that “shocked” me as well as Pulp Fiction did. I remember watching Clockwork for the first time being totally blown away by the complete perfection of the entire ordeal. What an extrordinary tale. Sorry Seb, but you’re dead wrong.

[size=200]2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)[/size]

Im not really a fan of Kubrick but I know hes not a hack.

Im not really a fan of Kubrick but I know hes not a hack.

Didn’t you say he’s a genius of cinema?

Btw Ify, you said you hadn’t seen Clockwork Orange, have you now ?

Yes, twice. It was awesome. Loved the music, but would have been better had Pink Floyd accepted Kubrick’s plea to use Atom Heart Mother on it. But there is a scene where you see the album though on the shelf.

Yes, twice. It was awesome. Loved the music, but would have been better had Pink Floyd accepted Kubrick’s plea to use Atom Heart Mother on it. But there is a scene where you see the album though on the shelf.

Great that you finally saw it ! I remember indeed that we see a Pink Floyd album.

Kubrick’s films are so damn entertaining. That’s why I like him. He was a very diverse director too.

I also like his films because they are entertaining… He strikes me as diverse and precise… but i dont know if id call him a genius id rather call him a megalomaniac…

The calculated ambiguity of his films can also be enjoyable… Though listening to ( or reading ) other peoples interpretations is just annoying…

I would have liked to see that biopic of Napoleon with Jack…

<LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … re=related”>the films of stanley kubrick - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>

That was awesome. I’ve yet to watch Barry Lyndon, Paths of Glory, Lolita and Eyes Wide Shut, although I own the latter on DVD and so will give it a watch sometime soon. I also had Lolita on DVD but my mate lost it (he also lost Shawshank Redemption and O Brother, Where Art Thou?, grrrr).

Check this documentary out: - YouTube

It was on TV here a couple of months back. It’s brilliant.