Robert Rodriguez

I really wasnt that impressed by Planet Terror. It was pretty bland and I hated the ending!

Robert basically did a by the numbers zombie/sicko movie, its sort of the exact oppsite of what QT did with Death Proof.

Sin City looked cool, but overall I didnt like the movie that much.

The only movies I stil like by Bob are: Desperado and From Dusk Til Dawn. The rest I dont care about.

IMO Robert Rodriguez is like a test tube child of Tarantino & George Lucas but without the best qualities of each.

He’s been into film his whole life and he actually made an entire film by himself (El Mariachi). He’s the kind of guy that can deliver the goods with a no budget flick and he can also go the other way.

He def can make movies, but that doesnt mean I love them. I just dont like the types of movies he makes for some reason. Theyre too shallow or something. I mean, whats the difference now between Rodriguez and Michael Bay? Theyre pretty close, except Rodriguez has more Mexican characters and is QTs best pal.

This is why I hope QT distances himself from Rodriguez and goes back to making his own stuff. I really hope they never do another Grindhouse type project. QT is above and beyond the kind of fluff Rodriguez makes. Thats just my opinion.

I mean, whats the difference now between Rodriguez and Michael Bay? Theyre pretty close, except Rodriguez has more Mexican characters and is QTs best pal. [/quote]

whoa. their films are totally different.

Both make big budget action flicks for the masses, both love to use CGI. Whats the big difference between them?

Rodriguez writes more, has more Mexican characters in his films and is QTs best friend.

Seriously, would any of us in here even talk about Rodriguez if he wasnt connected to QT? I wouldnt!

I would! >:(

You wouldnt. Youd talk about Marky Mark and The Pussycat Whores!

I would never diss RR, I really like his work. He’s one of my favourites for sure. Not just cos he’s a San Antonio boy either. He works really hard on his projects, and it shows.

You wouldnt. Youd talk about Marky Mark and The Pussycat Whores!
You shut up!

Desperado’s been my favorite movie since I’ve watched it for the first time. I became a RR fan before becoming a QT fan and now, as I can see, RR movies are getting better while QT wants to hire Britney Spears!! :o

QT would never hire Britney. Thats BS.

RRs movies are getting better? How so? I think youre talking out yer ass again!

Rodriguez should do something without CGI and that BS.

Rodriguez will never make a film better than Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill or Inglorious Bastards.


Inglorious Bastards has never been released, the script hasn’t even been finished. You’re such a dickhead! :wink:

I love RR movies, they’re all good, I love them as much as I love QT movies and nothing’s gonna change it.

Im not trying to change anything. Im stating a fact.

To each their own. I like RR so much. He’s so talented. Bear in mind, he writes/directs/films/edits all himself. That makes his movies HIS movies.

QT, the brilliant/awesome/incredibly gifted and talented man he is (there is no one above, in my book), has Sally to edit, and a DP to work with on the films before Death Proof. (which was his first try at being the DP, and I think he did very well with, btw.)

You think Quentin’s films would have been the same, as great, or greater had he done all that on his own? Don’t get me wrong, QT COULD DO IT! And he could do it well. But if you’re talking about the mid 90’s… I’m not so sure.

Personally, I think QT’s quite a bit smarter that RR. I mean, why would you WANT the weight of the world on your shoulders? RR does seem to want it to all be on him, and he takes it.

Ill give him props for doing all those things himself, thats def true. Im not saying hes not really talented, Im just saying that I dont find most of his films all that great.

Fair enough. :wink:

From the films I have seen:

El Mariachi - 2.5/5

Desperado - 3.5/5

FDTD - 4/5

OUATIM - 1/5

Sin City - 5/5

You compare RR to M.Gay!? that’s like expensive apple juice VS 5 months old piss filtered through cowshit.

QT is Fuckin’ CRISTAL!. :stuck_out_tongue:

Max: More like comparing Piss Warm Chango to 5 Month Old Piss Filtered through cowshit. :smiley:

He made the Spy Kids movies as well, Machete was one of his characters in those films. For kids films, the totaly ROCK

I got bored today, so I went up to Austin. When I drove by Robert’s house, I snapped a couple pics. I mean, you can’t actually see his house. You can see the top of it from the bridge over the river, but the camera wouldn’t zoom enough, so I just took some pics of his front gate.

I promise, I’m not a stalker.