Robert Rodriguez

im not a fan at all, i liked dusk and el mariachi but thats all

Once upon a time in Mexico is one of my all time favs![/quote]


I don’t care! I loved it! lol

I need a quick answer, so can someone help me :

I look for a contact for Robert Rodriguez (agent, mail on a website or something else), and then for Franck Miller.

Thx in advance :wink:


Is it a joke ? Because it’s not funny, I’m really looking for a contact.

Is it a real mail to the man ? Have you tried it ?

I just saw El Mariache and it was awsome. I thinks its my favorite RR moive. On the DVD there was´a 10 Minute making of which explained how RR made this movie for only 7 thousand dollars. very inspiring!!!

Is it a joke ? Because it’s not funny, I’m really looking for a contact.

Is it a real mail to the man ? Have you tried it ?

it’s actually:

it’s actually:

Verry funny, man :-</E>

Did you see all of you, that RR didn’t get anythin at Cannes… :cry:

Great interview with RR

"and I was like ‘Hey, I was thinking about doing a double feature, you should do one and I’ll do the other.’ And he was like ‘F*ck yeah! And we’ll put fake trailers in the middle of them for movies that don’t exist.’ (lots of laughter)."

fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck thats SUCH a great idea hahaha damn i cant wait to see quentin make blaxpoitation and low budget horror/sci-fi trailers

I think theyre getting other directors to make the trailers.

Im kinda on a Robert Rodriguez binge lately. I just read Rebel without a crew and watched all three of the Mariachi trilogy and liked them all. Especially Once Upon A Time In Mexico, I loved all the characters, they were great, the Mariachi, Sands, and Barillio.

It inspired me to start writing my own trilogy, right now im planning out the third, mines gonna be a gritty crime/action/thriller movie. As of now, the good is a vigilante after revenge, the bad is a wacked hitman, and the ugly is a serial killer. Other characters that will be tied in are a crime lord, crooked cop, junkie, undercover cop and grace digger.

grace digger.

thats my dream job. did you mean grave digger?

ya sorry, im a really bad typer, i usually catch my mistakes though.

[size=150]Digital Troubadour Robert Rodriguez [/size]

Who doesn’t know who Robert Rodriguez is? Not just as a one-man studio â€â€

Cool article, thx Ify.

Just one detail :


I took my photos back and he told me I was creative — and that I needed to learn to be technical. “You can learn how to be technical,Ââ€

No soul in Sin City? I think it has plenty of soul. It is a creative powerhouse.

No soul in Sin City? I think it has plenty of soul. It is a creative powerhouse.

Technically it’s creativ. But no originality from the story, he just did an adaptation. I mean, RR hasn’t recreate a creativ world in Sin City, he just adapted Miller creativity. The RR creativity is only technical, that’s why I said somewhere I miss some soul.

Technically it’s creativ. But no originality from the story, he just did an adaptation. I mean, RR hasn’t recreate a creativ world in Sin City, he just adapted Miller creativity. The RR creativity is only technical, that’s why I said somewhere I miss some soul.

I know you might not think this, but as a comic fan and a fan of Sin City, I would have cried and sent death threats to Rodriguez (or at least bitch about it on the internet lol) if he hadn’t faithfully adapted it. And Rodriguez is one of my favourite directors. Miller wouldn’t have let it go anyway unless he knew it could be faithfully adapted. And Rodriguez is one of my favourite directors.

Plus, may I point out that comics are still images and not everything in the film was necessarily in the comic book. A great deal of cool scenes in the comic book that involve motion have been brought to life in very creative ways.

I was a fan of the comics of Sin City a long time before watching the movie. So I was waiting for a cool for sure. I love Sin City, don’t believe the contrary. RR did an amazing job, really stunning ! But all this idea about “soul” and everything can be good understand watching the QT sequence. This sequence has got “soul”, it’s different for the original comic scene but faithfully adapted in the same way. The RR work is only based on what was in the comics and he didn’t say the contrary ! He recognized it himself. So I’m not saying something wrong. But yeah, pictures haven’t got any movement and the movie brings the life he deserves but not enough in my opinion (because I’m a FAN of the comic)…