[quote=“roulette67”]So many haters in the comments. Bet they still go see the movie. The concept may not be original, but the writing and execution will hopefully be beyond expectation.
The funny thing is, I cant really think of any films Ive seen with this storyline. Ive seen films with slaves, films with black bounty hunters, (Boss N*gger is the closest I guess) but nothing with that exact set up before.
I dont think anyone online should complain about something being unoriginal. So what if he uses Django as the title? How many reg film watchers even know who Django is anyway?
Chris Tucker as Django: I dont see him playing that part. Hes too much of a comedian. Plus he’ll always be Beaumont to me. Its gotta be someone whos a serious actor. Will Smith: Aw hell no. Someone new/younger would be cool.
Tucker is 39 (Will Smith 43), so I don’t think that he’s too old by Hollywood male standards, he could easily pass as 10 years younger in the movie, but on the other hand most of the audiences would have serious prejudices about him in the leading hero role… I would also like some lesser known name myself, but with Waltz already in they’re gonna have to put some big names in the cast if this is a big budget flick, maybe for the supposed “evil plantation owner”…
366 pages WTF? The previous rumor from that commentator was 166, maybe the interviewer misheard it, otherwise this is gonna be one looong movie, or several of them (BTW, there’s Chris Tucker again)…
[quote=“Dead Zed”]366 pages WTF? The previous rumor from that commentator was 166, maybe the interviewer misheard it, otherwise this is gonna be one looong movie, or several of them (BTW, there’s Chris Tucker again)…[/quote]
Im sure every African American actor in Hollywood will be trying to get in this one.
Also the 366/166 page thing: could either be 366 was the original draft length and 166 is the final draft or it was just a mistake and he said 166.
Probably meant 166 pages. Basterds was around that length actually, and that was 2 and a half hours. Kill Bill was JUST over 200 pages and that turned into two separate movies!
If it really was 366 pages then it’d be like… A godly six hour Tarantino film.
A man can dream though ;_;
On another note. The interviewer gets a hold of Tarantino after writing his latest movie, and we get THIS?
So there was like a childlike scrawl on the first page that leaked.
QT: The childlike scrawl is my handwriting…
He did the same with the title page for Kill Bill and Basterds scripts, I guess she never read those. Her loss! ;D
[quote=“jonitapani”]What a stupid interviewer I must say.
Still hoping to see Waltz in the movie.[/quote]
I think Quentin was just playing “official” before Weinsteins approve the script and casting, people who read it mention the Waltz character. Harry Knowles now says the script is 168 pages long, so I guess the original poster who revealed the plot outline and 166 pages was probably correct…