Pulp Fiction Reference in Spaced

I bought Series 2 of Spaced the other day. And on Episode 1 there is a reference to Pulp. When Daisy comes back to her flat she realizes no ones home. She puts some pop tarts in the toaster and spots a gun lying in the kitchen. She picks it up and points it at Mike who comes out of the bathroom. It made me laugh so much!

yeah i’ve seen that also.

but spaced is full of references to movies… they are countless

Since this topic isn’t getting much attention, anyone know anymore TV shows that have made references or made fun of Pulp Fiction.

I also found a reference (or what I think is a reference) to Reservoir Dogs in Spaced Ep.2 Series 1. When Mike and Tim point their fingers at each other, Tim is on the ground, like Mr. Pink and Miek is standing up pointing his gun like Mr.White.

Family guy should make a reference to it. If they havent already because I cant remember right of the top of my head.

Family Guy made a reference to Pulp in that episode where Peter gets a boat.

Oh that right. Its the rape scene.Peter comes in with the sword.

That jimmy neutron shit. It has plenty of RD references. One there is all these clones and they all start walking in slow motion and then Little Green Bag starts playin. And another one there is a director named Quetnin Smitee. Looks just like Quentin Tarantino. I laughed my ass off.

[quote=“QT Fan”]
That jimmy neutron shit. It has plenty of RD references. One there is all these clones and they all start walking in slow motion and then Little Green Bag starts playin. And another one there is a director named Quetnin Smitee. Looks just like Quentin Tarantino. I laughed my ass off.

Also in one episode they’re dancing the Vincent and Mia dance with the same music. And they mention Hitchcock in the episode where all the jeans come to live.

The creator of that show must like Quentin Tarantino.

Is that from the new one the other night?

not a tv show but its an idiotic cartoon, in Space Jam the ginger cowboy and the bald hunter dress up as vincent and jules and shoot one of the monsters while the mislerou music plays in a kinda similar way that they do in Bretts apartment.

The Simpsons made a few references to Pulp, as well. There’s a bit about the “Little differences” and the quarter pounder with cheese in an episode, and I think it plays Misirlou in the backround at one point, too.

Simpsons Episode 22 Short Films About Springfield is full of references.

Simpsons Episode 22 Short Films About Springfield is full of references.

Yeah, it was that one.

I just got into Spaced, actually, and I realized what a really great show it actually is. Try to watch it on YouTube, it’s got every episode.

Coupling did an awesome reference when everyone was dressed in suits at a funeral to Reswervoir Dogs. The guys start walking down just like Reservoir Dogs with Little Green Bag and all and then as they keep walking the music stops and you hear a a bunch of people yelling at them to “STOP DOING RESERVOIR DOGS”.

[quote=“QT Fan”]
That jimmy neutron shit. It has plenty of RD references. One there is all these clones and they all start walking in slow motion and then Little Green Bag starts playin. And another one there is a director named Quetnin Smitee. Looks just like Quentin Tarantino. I laughed my ass off.

I remember that episode. Sadly, I don’t have a reason why I was watching it, lol.

I dont watch spaced but I believe it comes on BBCAmerica sometime maybe I should check it out.