I finished my first screenplay, I’m currently filming with a bunch of friends, i’ll post it here then soon.
I already have another idea now.
This idea is about a female who works in a bar or in a bread shop.
This woman now gets into films and starts writing a screenplay based on her own experiences.
She worked on this about 10 years long, quite a lot of things happend in her life.
A robbery in front of her eyes, now what she does is, she puts all that, everything they did and said in her screenplay.
At the first bad thing happened to her, she decides to write a story about herself.
Usually some people would quit if this is happening to him/her.
But she doesn’t, she thinks "I need more and more for my script"
She knows, there are a lot of bank robberies happening.
So she decides to work at a bank just to be a witness of all that so she can fill her script.
She does those kinda things a lot of times 'til her movie’s done.
She decides to send it to a director or company.
So they can produce it and things.
It’s been declined by the company.
Now, if she can’t put this movie in reality on film, she decides to do all the things those robberies etc.
She wants to realize that and if it can’t be put on film, then on newspaper, TV etc.
And that’s basically my story…
heres a thought what if she starts doing shit just to write about in her script.
I’ve got three scripts.
- slasher/posession script - chick possessed by radio evangelist’s broadcasts to do gods work
- drama - drying out newspaper reporter stumbles on mystery murder in small town
- comedy/love story - two nobody’s fall in love and undergo miraculous changes
this is just an idea now. I haven’t started writing anything. There are tow main characters; a man and a woman. These two people have never met each other and have not had any encounters with one another. If they were to pass each other on the street they would pay no attention to each other. Then, both characters begin to have romantic dreams involving one anther. Then they start to notice eac other in real life and thats when everything gets fun. I’m not sure what’l happen I just thought this one an interesting idea. Maybe they’ll start a relationship but then realize that the person they’ve dreamed about is different than the real person. There’ll probably be a scene that involves one character’s dream coming to life or something. ANyway that’s still just an idea . . . but I like it.
Watching people talk about stuff that HAPPENED isn’t entertaining.
[/quote] Reservoir Dogs was quite entertaining, and i think most will agree.
Sorry about the double post, I couldn’t find the edit button lol. But, I might add to that, that there are no absolute norms of what is entertaining, and what isn’t enertaining. Anything can be made enertaining, for instance, there’s probably alot of dialogue based films that are not enertaining, but i’m sure you wouldn’t say the same of any of QT’s films, because he MADE it enertaining.
I have a script where some guy reads all the movie ideas of a public forum, and put them together to his own movie…
the title of the script is: “Opportunity makes the thief”
my script , well thats a surpise , youll have to wait for the movie to be made
Well I haven’t started writing the script yet but I’m working on ideas. I won’t say much here but in my head I have an image of a film that’s a mix between Snatch (English thug types / snappy dialogue) and The Grudge (Creppy horror scenes)
Well I haven’t started writing the script yet but I’m working on ideas. I won’t say much here but in my head I have an image of a film that’s a mix between Snatch (English thug types / snappy dialogue) and The Grudge (Creppy horror scenes)
Wow that sounds pretty cool!
Someday, hahahah, I’m going to write my film about a farmer that is abducted by little aliens. But it will be shown from 3 perspectives. First you see as the farmer who gets abducted Evil Dead style. Then it shows the charecture of the captain alien when the farmer gets loose and starts massacring his people Predator style. Later the farmer will destroy the controls of the ship and they will be stuck in a part of space where the little aliens nemisis live. There it goes to a new aliens perspective. The new aliens are big bad, but not as smart, mofos. They will board the ship and more chaos will ensue. Finally the three will meet for the final showdown between brains, braun and crazy desperation. It shall be called HUMAN.
im thinking about writting a script about a woman with no name who is killed at her wedding and then, four years later. She comes back for bloody revenge. What do you think? just wat I have so far.
She is killed!!! Does she make a deal with the devil to come back. What will it be called Sister Spawn.
im thinking about writting a script about a woman with no name who is killed at her wedding and then, four years later. She comes back for bloody revenge. What do you think? just wat I have so far.
It sounds like Kill Bill…
It sounds like Kill Bill…
GET OUT!!! REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
you know what folks: I got a really killer script i am working on but i am SMART enough not to post it here because someone might STEAL IT >:(
its a war film/political thriller set in Nicaragua in 1981 thats all I am saying
well am working on script right now it a darkcomedy/crime
it about an ex-hellangle in south cali who sell drugs all over the state a gets him self in
to all type of stuff
[quote]you know what folks: I got a really killer script i am working on but i am SMART enough not to post it here because someone might STEAL IT
its a war film/political thriller set in Nicaragua in 1981 thats all I am saying[/quote]
Because I’m sure people who have to resort to stealing random scripts on the internet, are really in a position in the industry to have them made.