My KILL BILL tattoo

That would hurt a lot

Not to mention that is the worst reservoir dogs walking picture ever, you cant even tell who half of them are.

yeah I know

maybe I’ll have my mind changed by the time I’ll be on my way to get it

it’s pretty recognizable, even if small

or I’ll get THIS:

that would definitely hurt, but it seems to be damn worth some pain!!!

I would really consider the Skull ‘n’ Bolts Death Proof logo.

Like this one??? Yes, I’m now Death Proof!!

Here is a better pic!

wow coool

Thanks Ronja!!! I may really be Death Proof… I once drank a shot of gasoline and didn’t kick it, so…maybe I am!!

Wow, then you got to be an idiot aswell :smiley: Good for you!

im hoping on building a sleeve or back piece of movie characters, getting jules boba fett and heath’s joker are ones to start with

I got Bill’s Devil on my arm the other day to compliment my Death Proof logo!

Does anybody have any ideas for a Pulp Fiction based tattoo??

How about a red dot on your chest? ;D

"Bad Motherfucker" is a good idea if it isn’t too big. You can use the same font as on Jules’ wallet.

Haha! The red dot would be fucking great!!

I’ve considered the Bad Motherfucker for a while…I just think there could be something I’m overlooking…My wife said she’ll leave me if I get a “dead nigger storage” sign!!!

You can try “Ezekiel 25:17”… And when someone asks you can recite the whole Ezekiel monologue, pull out your gun and shot him!

im thinking something with the picture of vincent and jules with the raised guns.

or writing of some sort with the hand cannon as the L.

Well not for me for you.
