hehe, I was taking the tube for the first time in a long time today and saw these beautiful Kill Bill Vol2 posters everywhere! They are black, showing Uma holding her sword across her face and wearing a black leather jacket and black pants. uhhh, I so need to get one of those posters! Wonder if this will be the ‘official’ poster for the movie theatres as well?
That’s the one:
Oh man, this poster looks great! I’m going to London !
That’s a great Poster !!!
I have’nt seen any posters yet!
Uma looks terrific though, dose’nt she?
OMG, that poster ROCKZ!!! Uma looks so beautiful and deadly dangerous!!! AWESOME!
Cool poster, I like it. 8)
[quote]That’s the one:
Im bidding on one on Ebay, i fell in love with this poster when i saw it 8)
I love that poster too. It’s really cool that they decided to stick with the black and yellow colours, only this time the black is the dominant colour. I think the Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 poster would look GREAT next to each other.
On a side-note, I thought Vol. 2 was gonna come out on April 16th too in the UK. It sucks they delayed it for one week. :-/
Though could there be pre-screenings on the 16th in the U.K?
[quote]Though could there be pre-screenings on the 16th in the U.K?[/quote]
I just checked imdb and the UK release date is the 23rd, though I'm pretty sure it was listed as the 16th some time ago. So I think it really got delayed for one week.
I just checked imdb and the UK release date is the 23rd, though I’m pretty sure it was listed as the 16th some time ago. So I think it really got delayed for one week.[/quote]
what the fuck are you sure?
I planned to flly to London, visit Mata Hari and see KB 2 and then some days later seeing in Germany…
Shit, seems I should ask Mata Hari!
I just ordered my mini version on ebay ;D
that seriously is the sickest poster i’ve seen so far for both volumes. it used to be the 2-sided door banner (which i want so bad), but this one just took the cake for me. WHY CAN’T ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS BE THIS AWESOME IN AMERICA
It will probably be out in Empire Leicester Square in London on the 16th, just like volume 1 came out there a week before the nationwide release.
I’m pretty sure that there will be one week of pre=screening in Leicester Square from the 16th onwards. They did the same with Vol1. Vol1 pre-screening was in The Empire and it looks like Vol2 pre-screening will be The Odeon. But I haven’t found out about the premiere date yet. I will go to The Odeon Leicester Square this week and see if I can find out about the premiere.