I like Godard too! less for Truffaut, his movies were really boring!! But I think that the best french moviemaker is UNMISTAKABLY Michel Audiard! This man has made the best ever dialogues of the “french wave”! But the screenplay is more inventive with Godard, and I guess the Godard’s movies are more simple (to understand and grasp the issue “à la française”) for an english-speaking!! Whereas the fhench language’s beauty is THE kind of Audiard and he’s the master ahead of Godard and every moviemaker or MF.
So just one thing and one thing only, Taste M. Audiard!!
It’s always good to see a new frenchie out there, writing with all that passion about french movie makers! I just re-watched the trailer for A Bout De Souffle, I never get tired of it. Especially the part where the voice over goes “du rififi chez les hommes”. I keep forgetting it, and it cracks me up every time!
What movies from Audiard would you advise me to watch? (Don’t bother translating the titles in English!)
The master piece of Audiard is “les tontons flingueurs” (Audiard has such wrote the dialogues, I believe the filmmaker is Lautner)
This is one of the best scene of “les tontons”
But there is other piece like “les barbouzes”, “cent mille dollars au soleil” and especially “le cave se rebiffe” (with Jean Gabin)!!!
Of course I’ve seen Les Tontons Flingueurs (it should be mandatory to watch that movie, especially when you’re french!).
It’s been a long time since I wanted to watch the 3 others you mentioned, I should be doing that soon.
But you’re french?? Or you just reside in France?? I’ve just seen your location is “France”! So you cannot know Audiard!!
He’s famous like Gerard Oury (in any case for the french movies), they’re national treasures of the french cinema (of 1960’s)!!
[quote=“LittleLouis”]But you’re french?? Or you just reside in France?? I’ve just seen your location is “France”! So you cannot know Audiard!!
He’s famous like Gerard Oury (in any case for the french movies), they’re national treasures of the french cinema (of 1960’s)!![/quote]
Oh yes I’m french! I live in Italy right now though.
Of course I knew about Audiard, I just didn’t see a lot of movies from him and wanted to know which ones you advised me to watch!