Is Tarantino in Vol. 2?

When The Bride stands over the remains of the Crazy 88 Killers, Quentin Tarantino, in mask, is among them.

Sam Jackson is also in KB vol 1…

The church scene shot in the Mojave Desert. Keep an eye out during this scene for a dead organ player.

as far as I know QT is not in vol 2


I wanted to see Tarantino SOO much in Kill Bill! So goddamn much!

Why didn’t he sit in the bar, where Kiddo came in covered with sand and looking like a zombie? He could say something cool.

Why didn’t he play in some scene like a random passer?

Why didn’t he play some angry and annoying man, who gets shot?

And he would be so cool as Budd’s boss! Well, the one who plays Larry is great, but Tarantino would be too!

I could have sworn one of the painful cries in Volume 1 was from Tarantino, I dunno, it just sounds like him.

Getting back to Michael Parks, between Sheriff McGraw and Esteban, both roles show his range of talent and contributes two phenomonal performances though small they may be. Tarantino tends to recall and bring out the best in actors whom are little known or past their heydey – Travolta, Parks, Grier, and Forster. What a great guy! :smiley:

You’re right. Michael Parks really proved his versatility as an actor in one movie! And what a difference!!! he was completley believeable as two different characters, that at first i didn’t even establish a connection between the two (although the make-up did help lol and the accents)