Love to read it Dex if you’ll post it.
I have only read two of his scripts, Planet Terror and El Mariachi. They’re very simple affairs, not to say they’re badly written, just more cut and dry than a lot of the other stuff I’ve read.
Here it is:
<LINK_TEXT text=“ … Robert.pdf”></LINK_TEXT>
Seems to be legit now that I’ve read through it a bit and glanced at some of his other works. Clearly not a final draft though.
If it is real I dig his style. So many of pro scripts tend to be overly purple. It’s refreshing to see a dude who keeps it bare bones and just tells the story.
Weird rumors but the french site Allociné.fr claims Robert de Niro is set to play the bad guy in Machete !
It’s in french but I post the link anyway : <LINK_TEXT text=“ … 76078.html”>Un coup de "Machete" pour Robert De Niro ? - Actus Ciné - AlloCiné</LINK_TEXT>
They’re also mentionning Michelle Rodriguez (which is believable) and Jonah Hill (a lot less believable) ! Maybe it’s only rumors but Allociné is used to be a pretty serious website…
If it is real I dig his style. So many of pro scripts tend to be overly purple. It’s refreshing to see a dude who keeps it bare bones and just tells the story.
Thanks, can’t wait to read it.
I know what you mean by purple but I have never heard a script called that. What does it mean?
It’s sort of the same thing. Being overly descriptive to the point where you’re kind of talking down to your audience. Usually it’s describing character emotions and camera too much. Basically directing via the script. It’s not such a bad thing if you the writer plans to direct but actors can find it annoying as it can take away their ability to interpret the character on their own.
The trick is to be subtle so you as the writer can sort of influence the actors and the director into seeing things the way you want them to. Robert seems to write like a lazy spec-writer. Which is okay for him because at the writing stage he’s the only one who really needs to know those little details that are left out of the script.
I assumed as much but wanted to be sure. Thanks.
If you want some serious directing from the script check out the first couple of pages of There Will Be Blood. PTA knows what he’s doing.
All writer/directors have their own writing methods. Robert isin’t even directing this script. El Mariachi was the only script that contained camera angles and even some spfx cues.
Joseph Mankiewicz once said. Filmmakers should be directing the actor and not the lenses. I partially agree, but Paul Thomas Anderson is heavy with both. He’s a fine writer and a great director, better director than Mankiewicz for sure. PT writes everything from important angles to scene beats, and transitions - the whole movie is always on the script. If you hear the commentary for Boogie Nights, Don Cheadle teases him about his writing.
Just dug into There Will be Blood a bit. It’s hard to compare to the Rodriguez scripts I’ve been scanning today as TWBB is clearly the finished/polished version they sent to the academy for award nomination while Robert’s are very early rough drafts that he knows damn well will never be Oscar contenders.
I’d like to see a pre-shooting draft version of There Will be Blood. In fact, I might do some searching to see if I can find a shooting draft version of any film and an early “pre-studio” draft of it for comparison.
I’m considering starting a “Pro Scripts” thread in the screenwriting forum. Would anyone be interested in that?
I would. I like reading some scripts. I recently read the screenplay for “All About Eve”, Mankiewicz was really a master screenwriter, his transitions are so smooth. Most writers use cut to, etc. Well Mankiewicz used things from scenes and he sort of transported you to the next scene. One great notable transition was in “A Letter To Three Wives”, in the third segment with Linda Darnell, she stares off to a leaking pipe that drips to a bucket, and he uses that image to transition to her old apartment. He’s really a unique writer.
I hope the movie will be just like the trailer.
Just dug into There Will be Blood a bit. It’s hard to compare to the Rodriguez scripts I’ve been scanning today as TWBB is clearly the finished/polished version they sent to the academy for award nomination while Robert’s are very early rough drafts that he knows damn well will never be Oscar contenders.
I’d like to see a pre-shooting draft version of There Will be Blood. In fact, I might do some searching to see if I can find a shooting draft version of any film and an early “pre-studio” draft of it for comparison.
I’m considering starting a “Pro Scripts” thread in the screenwriting forum. Would anyone be interested in that?
All of his scripts, PTA, are insaneley detailed. He said it in the Boogie Nights commentary that the script should direct itself or something to that effect.
I’d love to read his raw, first first first drafts of his scripts. I wonder how similar they are in terms of their techinal specifics to the polished versions.
Def interested in such a topic.
I hope this gets made. Right next to Thanksgiving this was my favorite trailer from Grindhouse.
I think they should be filming pretty soon here.
Wtf? Lindsay Lohan? :o
<LINK_TEXT text=“ … n-machete/”></LINK_TEXT>
Sat, 01 August 2009
Lindsay Lohan Confirms ‘Machete’ Movie
Lindsay Lohan has confirmed her part in the upcoming Grindhouse spin-off, Machete via Twitter (â€
Finally, Lindasy Lohan starring in a movie that actually is a movie.
Lindsay has to work from the ground up. Her film career was about to sky rocket just before all the news tabloids ruined her. But she’s a good actress when she cares.
Well, she gives the tabloids a lot to work with so you can’t really blame them.
But yeah, I dig her as an actress most of the time so her and Robert together should be pretty cool. I still haven’t read the Machete screenplay so I have no idea what role she might be playing. Prostitute with a heart of gold?
Well thats BS. Who is she gonna play, a drunk driver?
Well thats BS. Who is she gonna play, a drunk driver?
Yeah I rather not have her in this movie. Is Denrio still rumored?
Yeah I rather not have her in this movie. Is Denrio still rumored?
Lindsay Lohan to Star in 'Machete'? - Bloody Disgusting
Didn’t even know Robert De Niro was rumored, thats kinda interesting. Jonah Hill? WTH?