Inglourious Basterds Information Centre

look, i wish i could, but im going through a pretty big fuckup in my life, and i dont have the money for movies or dvd’s, and i dont think its fair that i should go without seeing basterds.

and i watched the grindhouses, hostel, and kill bills in theatres, as well as almost all his collection on dvd, as well as basterds when i DO have money, so to me its all good,

Of course, I agree on that we shouldn’t download movies especially the ones from our dear Quentin. But I don’t think the following was a valid point:

[quote=“Lt. BioBasterd”]Have you learned anything with Grindhouse and Hostel 2! They were both leaked and distributed by some jobless fuckers and they suffered terribly at the box office. Just wait for it and see it ALL DAY.[/quote]

A lot of other movies leaked (any blockbuster actually, 300, Transformers, etc) and didn’t sufffer from it at all. I don’t think Grindhouse and Hostel 2 suffered that much from them being available on the internet, but they definitely suffered from the bad critics they got!

I’m not saying they are bad movies, Grindhouse is awesome and I haven’t seen Hostel 2, I just think that if we blame illegal downloading, we also have to blame those assholes who ruin movies on the papers because they don’t give a shit, but lots of people rely on their critics to decide wether they’re going to see a movie in theaters or not. What some journalists do is criminal. When I read bad reviews that pay no respect to the movie, I want to hang the fucker who wrote it by the balls and make him repeat and understand that he shall respect the work of the artists.

exactly, i appreciate the effort, the time, the pro-ness.

im pretty sure tarantino is in no fix for money, hes pretty loaded, sirs.

but i am still purchasing the dvd

I wasn’t encouraging you! QT has got money but that’s not the point. He needs his movies to do well in order to keep ‘em goin’

i know that, its the fucked up miserable excuse we call an economy.

look, im gettin this movie to watch, and then ill buy the dvd,

i win, you win, and QT wins. everyone happy?

[quote=“Mr. Pink”]
i know that, its the fucked up miserable excuse we call an economy.

look, im gettin this movie to watch, and then ill buy the dvd,

i win, you win, and QT wins. everyone happy?

Pardon me if I’ve misunderstood you… But are you saying, in open forum, that you are going to illegally download Inglourious Basterds??

I feel for you and your financial distress, dude. But if you wanna see this movie before it comes out on DVD, you should really go see it at the theater. Bum a quarter off everyone you know… Hitch hike to the theater… You just, you don’t come in here and talk about downloading this film. That’s pretty fucked up. In my opinion.

(edit: snatch an old lady’s purse or rob a blind kid, whatever you have to do. Just don’t download IB…)

Plus dude you’re 17. You have your whole life ahead of you to worry $ problems, that is if you don’t get rich. Hope all of us Tarantino fans get rich. But dude have some fun. Spend $6-8 bucks on a ticket and enjoy yourself.

Downloading the following movie will result in unpleasant visits from a certain group of jews. You know wich one.

Jerry Seinfeld!

He’ll make fun of your money woes. He’d be all like: “What’s the deal with Mr. Pink? He has no money to see a movie, but he has money to buy a computer!”

haha, look whos says this computer wasnt free? it was a gift from my sister,

i dont know any of u, but if u gotta know, im on a board right now, with no money for myself, just rent food and cable.

so, thanks,

and i know one jew who would come after me…seth rogan. thats right. bad. ass.

Dude, I’m a broke almost 19 year old comedian/writer. I still pay to see my movies. It’s just not worth the government fucking I could get.

A woman just got fined 1.2 million dollars for downloading TWENTY-FOUR songs. You know how many I could’ve downloaded? Holy shit! They would own me, put me in the army, send me to fucking Siberia, man.

i would welcome that at this point.

cause the way this shit is going im gonna be worse off then u at 19, unless i hit a jackpot or someone i know dies.

Hmmm…If Quentin was born about 15 years later, I think he would have probably been downloading Torrents, buying sidewalk bootleg DVD’s, or whatever else would help him get his hands on films he would eventually cherish.

I own DVD’s, Blu Rays, and other things related to QT’s movies. But I’ll say this, if I didn’t have money to spend, I’d watch Inglourious Basterds in whatever way I could.

I saw Resevoir Dogs for the first time on a bootlegged VHS tape. same with Aronofsky’s Pi. I dubbed each one again, and lent each one out again.

see, i do buy the movies, but i download them as well. i usually buy them first, then download. inglourious basterds will be the first one ive seen on the computer first.

then i will buy the dvd, causew ill be too blown away not to


[quote=“Mr. Pink”]
see, i do buy the movies, but i download them as well. i usually buy them first, then download. inglourious basterds will be the first one ive seen on the computer first.

then i will buy the dvd, causew ill be too blown away not to

Wer sich entschuldigt, klagt sich an.

well, i find myself innocent in this sense. QT still gets his purchases from me, and i get to see my movie. check and mate. period.

<LINK_TEXT text=“ … nees-10-ap”></LINK_TEXT>

something to keep in mind…honestly i haven’t seen, let alone heard of any major contenders yet

[quote=“PFC Baelin Utivich”]
<LINK_TEXT text=“ … nees-10-ap”></LINK_TEXT>[/quote]

Sounds reasonable.

so i guess this means that IB will defintely get nominated … not sure it will win but nominated defintely