[quote]@ Tarantino is god:
Can you hook me up with some more information?
Afaik it was Schopenhauer how said: “Ding an sich aber ist allein der Wille!” = Which means that the base is the free will and it was Kant who said, that we understand things not like they are, but like we see them.[/quote]
Yes, well schopenhauers theory is based a lot on Kant’s, imo he perfected/corrected it more…
Schopenhauer takes kants theory and talks about object and subject: one cant excist without the other.
And says that everything is just Vorstellung, even your own body…but your mind is what makes the subject and is dependent on your body but also limited by it.
We are all limited to our senses…like a cat is more limited in some ways then we are and more advanced in other ways…we are also just humans with a certain package with which we sense the world around us. We cant even tell if it is real what is happening around us, for all we know its all a dream.
Schopenhauer then comes to the conclusion that the body is controlled by the will…and so are our actions.
It’s kinda hard for me to take this serieus stuff, where a great man thought about, and just make a summary of it…you best look some stuff up on the internet, preferebly in german! because some words used cant be translated into english, because the german language is much more richer than the english language…