Wtf does white whisper

In an interview with Tim Roth they asked him what Harvey Keitel whispered to him and he said something like “Let’s get a beer later” or “How about a beer?” or something like that. It doesn’t look like that’s what White says and I’m not even sure if Roth was referring to Reservoir Dogs but that’s as close as I’ve come to an answer. I’ve always been curious about that, too, Beaumont.

I thought he whispered: “I Just farted”

I thought he said “Laugh now or I will shoot you in the fucking face right now”

I listened to it with the volume full-on, and he says: “Smile, you’re on candid camera”.

oh…I thought it was “you’ve been X’ed.”

no no no your all wrong he said " if i was gay would you stick a frog in my ass while i put a cattle prodder in my nose?"

damn straight

Scarfaces one must be right. It was probably made up by Keitel on the spot, making Tim Roth laugh and thus breaking character. If i was shot in the gut and dying a slow, painful death, i wouldnt even laugh if Hitler came in in a tutu and got rolled over by a retard driving a forklift.

If I was shot I’d probably start laughing, like Donald Kaufman.

[quote] If i was shot in the gut and dying a slow, painful death, i wouldnt even laugh if Hitler came in in a tutu and got rolled over by a retard driving a forklift.[/quote]

i would. at least id watch something enjoyable before i die

Did you just fart?


wait… no

I must admit i layed the stank bomb sorry :-[

I’m sorry that’s not grammatically correct. The past tense of stink is stinkted.

Actually it is stunk, you stupid stupid son’s-of-bitches.

Infinitive: stink

Simple past (British): stank

Simple past (American): stank/stunk

Past participle (Br): stunk

Past participle (Am): stunk

Oh, for god sakes I was joking…do you guys think I was serious lol

We were just playing along, you staieounker. :-*

I wasn’t :stuck_out_tongue: