QT doing Soccer WC spots?

according to some sources, WorldCup promoters are trying to get world-class directors to do soccer-related spots to promote the soccer world championship

“André Heller will Tarantino engagieren

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“André Heller, der als Kulturbeauftragter der Fußballball WM 2006 in Deutschland das Rahmenprogramm gestalten wird, “dreht zurzeit an dem Hoffnungsrad”, dass Meisterregisseure wie Quentin Tarantino, Woody Allen oder Jean-Luc Godard Kurzfilme zum Thema Fußball erarbeiten.”

Das geht aus mehreren Quellen hervor.



= “André Heller, culture agent of the soccer WC 2006 in Germany, he’s doing all the programming, is currently betting on high hopes to get directors such as QT, Woody Allen or Jean-luc godard to do short films on soccer topics”

That would be nice, myself being a follower of football and all. I remember John Woo did a spot some years ago for Nike featuring the Brazilian team playing football in an airport. It was pretty fucking cool. 8)

I remember QT saying: I dont like sports…anything with a ball…NO GOOD…

but it would kick some mighty ass if they would let him do a commercial…

[quote]That would be nice, myself being a follower of football and all. I remember John Woo did a spot some years ago for Nike featuring the Brazilian team playing football in an airport. It was pretty fucking cool.  8)[/quote]

That was an AWESOME commercial!! I had no idea Woo directed it.  Fantastic piece of information. I’d like to see something like that done by Q.T. or Guy Ritchie with Real Madrid, or Man U for the Champions League '04. That’d be badass! ÂÂ