Babe Buchinsky

Does anyone knows if there really was a character named Babe Buchinsky (that was suposed to be played by Michael Madsen) in the screenplay originally?

Tarantino says that he had written hundreds and hundreds of pages, so i think there was a lot more to this story then we are actually seeing in this screenplay…

nobody will ever know probably

Some people and sites are speculating that the character of Babe Buchinsky turned into Donnie Donowitz. We may never know if that’s true.

Apart from the odd word from Tarantino, we only ever had Michael Madsen talking up his role for Inglourious… how embarassing for him… that the likes of Eli Roth are cast instead of him.

That’s GOTTA hurt.

haha or maybe hes gonna have a super hyper secret cameo :smiley: lol imagine, that wud give me goosebumps in the theatre xD (like the rest of this usper fuckin awesome flick)

I think Aldo Raine IS Babe Buchinsky

They talked about Babe Buchinsky using a bat when the project was just a rumor and Quentin said Donowitz was always in it, I think he created a hybrid of the characters. To be honest, I prefer the idea of Donowitz as a supporting character to a leading role. And Madsen would have been good like twenty years ago.

babe buchinsk sounds like a “babe ruth butcher”…so thats maybe the relation with the bat (babe ruth was a baseball player, right?)

Someone have to ask Quentin.