Who would YOU cast as Hitler?

I know what we say isn’t going to have any affect on who’s really cast, but just for fun…

I’d cast Ben Kingsley. How about you guys?

John Lovitz, anyone? :wink:

Ben Kingsley is a little too brown. The guy played Ghandi for christ sake. Casting Hitler will be a toughy!

i hope and think we will be reeally surprised about his choice…

hm what about… john travolta xD

Steve Buscemi maybe. I dont know.

i mean hitler is a crazy role, i dont think he will take some random unkown tv guy for that… i hope he will pick someone froms his earlier movies, that would be so fuckin awesome :slight_smile:

Steve Buscemi would be an excellent pick for Hitler.

My vote goes for Steve Buscemi too!

I’m not too concerned about the casting of Hitler however… I believe the movie’s fate is in the casting of Shosanna and Landa.

Ye, very minor role but Buscemi would be perfect.

And if not Buscemi then why not get BRUNO GANZ to reprise his role as the nutter, he was after all one of the best Hitler’s…

John Lovitz, anyone? :wink:


I want Nathan Lane to be hitler.

why not get BRUNO GANZ to reprise his role as the nutter, he was after all one of the best Hitler’s…

well it’s not that kind of film. plus i doubt bruno ganz would join a tarantino film to reprise the most challenging role in his career only without “why so serious” attitude :wink:

Ben Kingsley is a little too brown.

I think he darkened his skin for that role. Have you seen Schindler’s List or Bugsy? He looks pretty white in those.

But I think Steve Buscemi would be the most likely pick.

Heres my Steve Buscemi as Hitler pic again:

“You know vut diss iz? The verlds smallest violin playing just vor da Jewz!”

This is my favourite Hitler ever…

. . .ben kingsley? excellent choice. he played a similar kind of foul-mouthed pissy prick of a gangster in sexy beast. good warm up for the fuehrer. others: harvey keitel, sean penn, nicholas cage. . .

Heres my Steve Buscemi as Hitler pic again:

“You know vut diss iz? The verlds smallest violin playing just vor da Jewz!”

Holy shit, that might work!

Not a very good photoshop job, but you get the idea…

Haha. Looks like someone is doing shadow puppets on him.

Make that a Hitler mustache on ben Kingsley please! (like Buscemi’s) He looks good as Hitler…

Gave him a red nose just for fun.

Haha yeah, I can totally see it now. It could work. Either him or Uwe Boll. It is sort of a comedy after all, right?