Which Deadly Viper Assasin are you?

All female Tarantino fans love Elle Driver. Coincidence?

I better not date any female QT fans then. :-</E>

Yeah, because they’ll all want you to buy them GARGANTUAN things, lol.

i belive its I forgot who was darrel hannah in that film so sorry can you folks please help me it would be benificial to my health…was she black mamba… Oh ellie Driver? is tha he characters name So excuse me i got back from a huge party in B.C

Uma Thurman - Black Mamba (The Bride, Beatrix Kiddo, Mommy)

Darryl Hannah - Californian Mountain Snake (Elle Driver)

You’re Elle Driver! Sly and evil, you can manipulate people in order to get whatever you want. You’re usually alone, but that’s the way you like it. You hate having others nearby to order you around (unless it’s Bill, of course… but even then you’re still hesitant).

BILL! (Snake Charmer)

You’re Bill! I love you! Anyways, you’re skilled in the art of manipulation. You’re very strong, talented, powerful, and witty. You don’t seem to have any real sense of morality, and you only let your kindness show around a select handful of people (mostly Kiddo and B.B). You do have some regret for the horrible things you’ve done, but won’t let it interefere with your life. You respect your opponents, and you generally believe in fair game.

[quote]Beatrix Kiddo (Black Mamba)

You’re the Bride! Strong and determined, you can do anything once you set your mind to it. You long for vengeance and for a happy ending, and will do anything to achieve them.[/quote]

I honestly wasn’t expecting that at all.

I got Copperhead. This’ll do.

Kitty is another “Bill”… I wasn’t aware of that. Right now, this is me at my most masochistic. =P

i got Beatrix Kiddo :smiley:

You’re the Bride! Strong and determined, you can do anything once you set your mind to it. You long for vengeance and for a happy ending, and will do anything to achieve them.

i like that.


Wow, different to before.

I like Black Mamba

I like Black Mamba

I like Turtels

I like Turtels

I love PIE.

You hate having others nearby to order you around (unless it’s Bill, of course… but even then you’re still hesitant.