VOL.1 vs. VOL.2

after we see kill bill volume 2 tommorow we can talk about which vol was better, 1 or 2. and dont give me that “but its ONE movie” shit. because ive read too many reveiws saying volume 2 is much more dialouge driven than volume one, with less action. plus, if kill bill is just “ONE movie” then we would have seen it all back on october 10th. so, draw a line in the sandbox and take your sides. FIGHT!

but it is one movie divided into two :stuck_out_tongue:

i probably like vol. 2 better cuz there’s much more story in it than vol. 1, and bill and pei mei’s in it

[quote]but it is one movie divided into two :stuck_out_tongue:

nice thread

Kill Bill Vol.1 was the greatest movie I ever saw so I hardly doubt Vol.2 will be better

I look at it as ONE movie. one great movie

Volume 1 was one of the greatest fuckin experiences of my life. Some hardcore shit. Volume 2 is just gonna be icing on the cake (but a whole lotta icing) 8)

this WAS one movie, however it has been edited into two movies. vol 1 has an ending, these will been separate movie until they get re-edited and put back together from beginning to end. but have it your way, new question: which half of kill bill do you like better.

I think vol2 will be better for the females out there, unless youre a butch. Vol1 was primarialy an action movie whereas vol2 is a love story. The action sequence in vol1 are unique and not be anticpated in vol2.

Tarantino is one of the best directors around and here, he encompasses both male and female movie types in the same movie and everything. He’s a master, as am I, in the dark black mysterious magical spining box clan. Fear us. >:(

[quote]this WAS one movie, however it has been edited into two movies. [/quote]

nope. its edited into two volumes. i have seen 1/2 of a movie. i plan to see the other 1/2 this weekend. and vol. 1 stops that way but it was like that in the script. the first half was always more action driven and vol. 2 the opposite. that is most likely why it was cut into two volumes.

but if i had to pick one id say vol. 2

Sorry, but KILL BILL is ONE movie! It was divided in two because of the fat Weinstein motherfuckers and it is one great 4 hour exploitation experience at its finest! I really look forward to the full movie on DVD :slight_smile: .

Honestly, it’s difficult for me to imagine them as one movie…because they really feel different. Besides the fact that Vol.1 is all action and Vol. 2 is all character-driven, there are also the two faces of Bill. In Vol.1, he was this mysterious, enigmatic, feared figure, so much so that you don’t even see his face. In Vol.2, he will be everywhere, the movie will be centred all round him…so much so that he may even become so symphatetic we will feel sorry for him. That’s quite a big contrast, I must say.

I’m not saying I don’t want to see the full 4 hour saga…of course I want to! All I’m saying is that the footage QT filmed seemed to imply from the earlier stages that the script was going to be approached in two different ways.

I consider it to be one story split into two movies. Saying that it is one movie is like saying that LOTR and Matrix 2&3 are also 1 movie. Even if $$$ was behind the split (as well as the re-edit back to 1 movie), it still had 2 separate theatrical releases.

But KILL BILL as one full epic will become his own theatrical arthouse release. Read the news on Tarantino Archives! For me it is THE exploitation flick about exploitation flicks. And that’s why this movie’s so great. And I’m 100% sure that Volume 2 will kick ass and that the two movies combined as one will kick even more ass!!!

I think a double feature of both Volumes with a 10 minute intermission would be just as good as the entire movie combined.

Volume 1 made me the Tarantino fan I’am today, if it was’nt for vol.1 I would’nt be here, before V1 I’d only heard of Tarantino in my film class, but now he’s one of my gods, so I’ll doubt that Vol2 will be better for me.

regardless of the whole one movie or two movie thing, im sure people will have a preference towards one or the other. tommorow im sure well all agree to disagree about which we think is better.

I just got back from a pre screening of Vol 2.

I was friggin blown away. The pacing is so much differnt and is alot like the old spaghetti westerns. The music is friggin awesome. I love the Three Tough Guys song by isaac hayes that was in the training flash back. i was also happy to see that road to salina was still in there.

I have too many favorite scenes. The end is perfect and i loved to share how much i love it, but hen i would be giving away some stuff. Bill gets his, and does it with pride and takes it like a man. Awesome!

it it just me or does Kill Bill sound like the opposite of FDTD? FDTD started out like a typical tarantino flick with the dialouge and then went all gore action.

now kill bill is going all out action and then typical tarantino dialouge driven.

Volume 1 is a great action film

But Volume 2 is better

However it’s like someone giving you a million dollars which is really great then giving you an extra 5 dollars. Which is even better.

[quote]Volume 1 made me the Tarantino fan I’am today, if it was’nt for vol.1 I would’nt be here, before V1 I’d only heard of Tarantino in my film class, but now he’s one of my gods, so I’ll doubt that Vol2 will be better for me.[/quote]

Me too, minus the film class.