The bastard language

woho now we’re really getting into this… “cough” off topic “cough” :wink:

but since we’re at it, the English vocabulary is about 80% french

80 percent O.O? no way lol


During the Norman occupation, about 10,000 French words were adopted into English, some three-fourths of which are still in use today. This French vocabulary is found in every domain, from government and law to art and literature - learn some. More than a third of all English words are derived directly or indirectly from French, and it’s estimated that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15,000 French words. (2)” (Terms of Enrichment: How French Has Influenced English)

You’re so smart Seb. Sorry about going OT on ya.

No way can English be 80% French, otherwise you’d just call it French.

It’s weird thinking about how in IB with it’s 4 different languages (and therefore subtitles) will be subtitled further into the respected languages of each non-English speaking countries, lol. Pretty complicated.

I never heard that English was 80% French before. Damn if thats the case Im illiterate.

No way can English be 80% French, otherwise you’d just call it French.

it’s a rough estimate. but take a “history of the english language” course or read a book. i’m not making shit up :wink: