Tarantino thrilled to have finished screenplay for war movie

very good news, it’s always great to hear confirmation from the man himself!




[quote=“Bad Max”]
Hey, If a shitty director like Michael Gay gets to do a war movie thats horrible and 4 hours long why shouldn’t QT be able to do a 3 hour long, great war movie?

Probably because Pearl Harbor was produced by Bruck Jerryheimer, who seems to possess the uncanny ability of making more money the shittier the movie is.

make it 4 hours quentin, put an intermission in the middle so i can go to the can and get more beer, and i’m all fine

Will QT be sending a copy of the script to the Seb pretty soon? Can the Seb handle a temporary heart failure if that were to happen?

A four hour film would be awesome. I wonder if Harvey will mind his own business and let QT do what he wants.

Will QT be sending a copy of the script to the Seb pretty soon? Can the Seb handle a temporary heart failure if that were to happen?

I have recently watched The Flatliners, I will thus call my buddies from med school to make sure than should I indeed have a heart failure, I will be reanimated after about 1 minute or so, during which I will most likely see the finished movie in a dreamlike sequence.

I sure hope QT would send me the script. If he does, I can basically guarantee the best script review ever written by man, without all the AICN-esque droolerie, as spoiler-free as possible and with the insight of a Tarantino fan that you call trust. I’ll be checking my mailbox :wink:

I cannot wait to see who he is going to cast.

looking forward to see this when it come out bet he’s glad he finished sceenplay to

I sure hope QT would send me the script. If he does, I can basically guarantee the best script review ever written by man, without all the AICN-esque droolerie, as spoiler-free as possible and with the insight of a Tarantino fan that you call trust. I’ll be checking my mailbox :wink:

That’d be so awesome if you could get the script sooner and from the man himself, even better.

I dont want to know whats in it before I see the movie. Ive done that with Kill Bill and Death Proof. It ruins the surprise of seeing it fresh.

I like reading as much as possible about a film before I see it. But ironically, I hate when you actually SEE all the best scenes of a film in the trailers.

No script reading for me this time. Id like to know the basics (cast, locations) thats it.

I will try not to read the script but having said that it so damn hard to fight the temptation.

I will do my best to not read it, but you’re right, the temptation is overpowering at times, and I have little to no will-power to begin with.

Just a little video interview with QT to go along with this news (talking with the BBC in Provincetown)…nothing new revealed however:

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Tarantino finishes screenplay

Awesome video clip. I wish they showed it un-edited.

Thats his filmmaking philosophy in a nutshell for people. No BS, just how it is. Great little clip.

As with Bob Dylan, the audience came to him, that’s so fucking true. QT is gonna be remembered as the Bob Dylan of Filmmaking, or more like just Quentin FUCKING Tarantino.