Tarantino and dancer in Bild (german tabloid)

i would understand rethinking the whole conception and pregnancy thing, but sex? maybe he’s just old… :wink:

lol Yep, totally have to agree with Sebby.

If Clint Eastwood says sex is overrated, then it’s overrated annd we should bow down to him…

and kiss his feet.

I wonder if Tallulah will end up being “shosanna”

Shhhh. Don’t talk like that.

Marlene Dietrich discovered by von Sternberg in a Berlin cabaret

Tallulah discovered by Tarantino in a Berlin bar

Tallulah —Tarantino

I see symmetry and similarity… 8)

OMG… You’ve lost your mind.

Can’t believe this spanned two pages.

we’ll make it 5 :wink: can somebody start an argument with pete? :wink: LOL just kidding

we’ll make it 5 :wink: can somebody start an argument with pete? :wink: LOL just kidding

Hahahahah. Sebastian, you naughty boy!

we’ll make it 5 :wink: can somebody start an argument with pete? :wink: LOL just kidding

Hey Pete, Robert Rodriguez is just as good a filmmaker as QT.