Should quentin himself shoot inglrious

My prayers have been answered, woohoo! :smiley:

Should be cool if it matches the tone of the film.

I donā€™t see why we should have any doubts about this.

QT mustve really liked Bobā€™s work on Kill Bill. I figured heā€™d use someone new, but its great to hear theyll be working together again. The films gonna look beautiful, thats for sure.

Now it really will be like Kill Bill set in WWII ;D

That is REALLY good news, im very happy. Like VERY FUCKIN happy :smiley: kill bill was soā€¦ visually attractive, the color, the lighting, the shots everything was so pretty. this will be kickass :smiley:

Very good news! With all the efforts that have to be made to get great acting performances from some parts of the IB cast having a great DP to do the DP job isnā€™t too muchā€¦

I still feel Death Proof is the best filmed of QTā€™s work, but itā€™s not like Kill Bill didnā€™t look amazing, so this isnā€™t bad news.

I still feel Death Proof is the best filmed of QTā€™s work, but itā€™s not like Kill Bill didnā€™t look amazing, so this isnā€™t bad news.

But for a small project, especially one paying tribute to movies that never had great DPs -western exploitation cinema-, it might be acceptable that heā€™d do the job himself. For a big multinational project like IB, itā€™s another story.

ā€¦it might be acceptable that heā€™d do the job himself. For a big multinational project like IB, itā€™s another story.

::slight_smile: I assume there are unwritten rules out there as to whatā€™s ā€œacceptableā€ and what not? ;D most people donā€™t even know what a Cinematographer is, nor do most people even look at the credits of a film, most people woulnā€™t notice or care who actually did that job, even less so if the end result looks good in the first placeā€¦

::slight_smile: I assume there are unwritten rules out there as to whatā€™s ā€œacceptableā€ and what not? ;D

To get more precise: DP was a tribute to a kind of movies -low budget Western exploitation movies of the 70ā€™s- which most of the time hadnā€™t a decent cinematographersā€™ work. So to me it wasnā€™t risky that QT used Death Proof for his first experience as a DP. For projects like KB or IB itā€™s another story: itā€™s very hard to manage at the same time filming, acting direction, a multinational and multilingual cast AND a DP work. Plus I CARE about the DP work and believe me what RR did for KB is something not every professional DP can doā€¦

[color=yellow]hooray for Bob Richardson! Thatā€™ll do Quentin, thatā€™ll do

on another noteā€¦i feel that after Saving Private Ryan, WWII movies always have that dark gritty look, like they NEED to be like thatā€¦The Thin Red Line did a great job at not copying that style though, that film looked beautilfulā€¦the choices in style for IB should be interesting to see


Well, The Thin Red Line came out at the same time as SPR, so it couldnā€™t have copied it, but I know what you mean. I really hated it in Clint Eastwoodā€™s WWII-films. It looked so fake and bad.