Rodriguez and Tarantino Are going head to head at the box office on the 21st

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
They look like pretty french girls, or tall, dark and handsome British blokes.

Oh, nice lookin’ ones.

[quote=“C.C. Baxter”]
You do raise a valid point there. I can just see the brood of horny, man-child dweebs

rushing like a stampede of overweight lemurs to their nearest IMAX sucktion port to

throw money hand-over-Boba-Fett-action-dolly to see the “Uhh-mayyzingg!!

first 15 of Avatar. Even if every IMAX screen in the country were only doing a

special 1 & 3/4 year anniversary re-showing of Enchanted on August 21st…

Yay… This is my 400th post. I feels so spurcial…

YES! Happy 400th! Wow, that is a milestone if ever there was one. ;D Kidding, kidding. Congrats on sticking it out so long, dude!

Oh, nice lookin’ ones.

Indeed. It is, in fact, a fascistic requirement, that, in order to be part of the QTA police, you must be sexy and smart.

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
Indeed. It is, in fact, a fascistic requirement, that, in order to be part of the QTA police, you must be sexy and smart.

Cool. Then why keep quiet. We want them here, right?

Cool. Then why keep quiet. We want them here, right?

Noooo… We’re doing just fine without the post police.

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
Noooo… We’re doing just fine without the post police.

okay. I’ll take your word for it. But French girls sound pretty sweet right about now. :slight_smile:

okay. I’ll take your word for it. But French girls sound pretty sweet right about now. :slight_smile:

Yeah, they do. I mean, hot british blokes sound pretty sweet to me right now… But, you know, they’re all about “maturity” and “rules” and whatnot. Who needs that shit?

[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
Yeah, they do. I mean, hot british blokes sound pretty sweet to me right now… But, you know, they’re all about “maturity” and “rules” and whatnot. Who needs that shit?

Do they spank naughty posters?

Do they spank naughty posters?

I think they spank more than that… well, the blokes anyway. :smiley:

:smiley: This smiley looks like something from the Pee-Wee show when they say the word of the day.

Spank! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:smiley: This smiley looks like something from the Pee-Wee show when they say the word of the day.

Spank! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

OMG!!! 100,000 cool points for you just for referencing Pee-Wee’s word of the day!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! <— That’s what you say when you hear the word of the day…

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Ok, the secret word of the day is… “anti-disestablishmentarianism”… whenever you hear the word, “anti-disestablishmentarianism” you have to scream real loud! Like this, “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHAHH”


[quote=“Sgt. Geoi Donowitz”]
Ok, the secret word of the day is… “anti-disestablishmentarianism”… whenever you hear the word, “anti-disestablishmentarianism” you have to scream real loud! Like this, “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHAHH”


We should PM each other everyday to give each other a word, and put it in posts all day that day.

People would be like WTF?

We should PM each other everyday to give each other a word, and put it in posts all day that day.

People would be like WTF?

Ooh. I’m in! [/Simon Pegg]

Reference to that is…

here → <LINK_TEXT text=“- YouTube … L&index=54”>Nick Frost in underwear - YouTube</LINK_TEXT>


We are getting closer closer to the 21st who do u think is gona win the box office

I honestly think theres a reason behind that. Think about it, let say a family of four (Dad, Mom, Son, Daughter,) go to the movies, Dad wants to see the bloody war movie, but mom dosn’t. Plus the kids want to see a kids movie. Dad goes to see IB and mom and the kids see shorts.


Basterds - $14,350,000

Shorts - $2,050,000

No competition there. Can’t believe that Basterds, a 2.5 hour talky WWII movie, did so well the first day… I expected about 25m for the weekend, now it looks like its gonna be around 40m. It will be interesting to see how the word-of-mouth will affect the crowds…

Feel sorry that Robert bombed, but maybe this will kick him in the ass to start working on Sin City 2…

[quote=“Dead Zed”]Friday:

Basterds - $14,350,000

Shorts - $2,050,000

No competition there. Can’t believe that Basterds, a 2.5 hour talky WWII movie, did so well the first day… I expected about 25m for the weekend, now it looks like its gonna be around 40m. It will be interesting to see how the word-of-mouth will affect the crowds…

Feel sorry that Robert bombed, but maybe this will kick him in the ass to start working on Sin City 2…[/quote]

I’m not shocked at all. From what I remeber, when I went to go see Grindhouse, there wasnt that many people, but in IB it was pretty packed. I’m sure alot of older gentlemen went to go see it because it deals with WWII. Actually, while I waiting in line this older gentlemen was saying to the ticket booth(when asked how old is the person he was waiting for was, because the film is rated r) and he said they were in their 70’s, I was just amazed by that. So, from what I saw there were alot more adults(40+) than young adults(20-30) there is something so interesting about that.